Could you guys help me with these prices?
Traveler's Bo staff
Gorrel's staff
Luluh's Spear
Falaharn's Split Chakrams
Gorrel's Cane
The Nightbringer
Fendi's Staff
Shreader's Talons
The Rockmolder
Delrimor Sword
Exalted Aegis
Ebon Ornaty Scythe of Fortitude
Earth dmg: 9-41 (req. 9 scythe mastery)
Inscription: Too much information
Dmg +15% (against hexed foes)
Health +30
PC Weapons
Ornate Scythe - what q? q9 is 5-10k. 30hp is 5-6k on its own.
Deldrimor green sword is 5-10k.
Deldrimor green sword is 5-10k.
Thank you, it is q9.
So it can go for around 10-15k i guess?
So it can go for around 10-15k i guess?