Does guildwars guru predict tot bags will become worth more after halloween? what are your guesses? there are only 2 months between halloween and christmas, so Wintersday will probably also yield easily farmable, highly sellable items. I've been thinking because a lot of my friends are saving their tot bags for after halloween to sell, and i'm not sure if this is a viable or smart move. (i'm doing the same, though. there are 10 stacks chilling in my xunlai chest)
what do you guys think?
ToT bags after halloween
Toiletcake Monsterr
Eragon Zarroc
It's questionable. There could be an immediate spike as soon as the supply dries up(halloween ends), but prolly not too much because everyone will be spam wanting to sell stacks for more. More people will be trying to sell than what there is now. Then the prices will drop during christmas event because u will be able to farm title points then. although christmas item farming is way slower than tot bags from all the bloody halloween quests. so i would have to say they wont be able to go up from current prices and remain higher steadily until a few months after christmas, and a few months before canthan new year. Personal guess though.
It's a question of economic supply and demand and i don't pay much attention in my economics class
It's a question of economic supply and demand and i don't pay much attention in my economics class
Yes, Think the price will go up alittle. (Maybe 10-20g/tot?)
But there also will be more ppl selling em, so finding the buyer for lil more will be hard, atleast in the beginning
But there also will be more ppl selling em, so finding the buyer for lil more will be hard, atleast in the beginning
i bought about 15-20 stacks of pcons and pretty much everyone i know did the same.
Plus they where really easy to farm.
I hardly think there will be a high demand for those items in the next few months. And after that.... well Gw2?
I think it's a common dynamic with most of those thing : last year around this time cupcake where going 25e a stack.
Now its 16-17e a stack. Those are most likely to use those candies already have a huge stock.
Plus they where really easy to farm.
I hardly think there will be a high demand for those items in the next few months. And after that.... well Gw2?
I think it's a common dynamic with most of those thing : last year around this time cupcake where going 25e a stack.
Now its 16-17e a stack. Those are most likely to use those candies already have a huge stock.