^Title. I'm not sure if this applies to other shouts. But they like to use them anytime they can.
I can understand fall back and charge, stuff like that where they spam it often as they can, but when i'm running to a different part of the map and my para hero has to stop every few seconds to use anthem of flame, it gets a bit ridiculous. Then I have to disable it and try to micro it myself in battle or try and remember to enable it just before every battle.
have para heroes use anthem of flame more intelligently
Fox Reeveheart
Maybe they do it to keep aggresive refrain up?
I disable Aggressive Refrain on my heroes and only cast it when I first zone. Anthem of Flame takes care of everything from there.
Premium Unleaded
They will use AoF whenever it has recharged (you can test this with QZ), give or take a second or two if in battle.
I believe it was actually a recent update that got Anthem of Flame to work in this way so that they would use it to maintain AF. Before they weren't using it intelligently.
no, please dont change how paragons use AoF. Without it this way, they can't maintain AR, and I personally like putting AoF on one of my heroes when Im playing my paragon just so that I dont have to maintain AR myself.
Skye Marin
AoF is unique in that, in almost all cases, casting it will return energy to the Paragon because it's only 5 energy, 10 second recharge, and only 1 second to cast. It's simple energy management.
Shayne Hawke
Based on your ability to micro the skill and everything else it ends up doing for the hero that is positive, I don't feel like this would need changing.