Howdy. What with my desire for money, I have noticed that apparently Wintergreen items have value now. Lucky for me.
I am looking for luxurious new homes for my two Wintergreen Spears, as well as a Wintergreen Bow. For those curious, the Spears are currently enchanted with +5energy/+29hp and -5energy/+29hp (but not customized, clearly). The Bow is completely unmodified.
I have no idea of the exact monetary worth of these items, so if I'm unreasonably with my prices please feel free to offer below the s/b =). My guidelines are from the sticky on ventari's:
Edit: Spears sold ingame
s/b: 75k
I'll probably leave this going for about a week unless I forget. Thanks for any bids
WTS Wintergreen Spears, Bow
S/B Bow
Bumping for great justice, I suppose.