Halloween Items
Reject halloween stuffs that werent good enough to make the stacks.
30 Absinthe
30 Absinthe
15 Ghost
24 Serum
24 Serum
9 Trans tonics
9 Trans tonics
30 Witch brew
30 Witch brew
25 Pumpkin Cookies
25 Pumpkin cookies
Post your ign, which one package you want, and a Kool pic from Halloween event 8)
30 Absinthe
30 Absinthe
15 Ghost
24 Serum
24 Serum
9 Trans tonics
9 Trans tonics
30 Witch brew
30 Witch brew
25 Pumpkin Cookies
25 Pumpkin cookies
Post your ign, which one package you want, and a Kool pic from Halloween event 8)
I didn't take any pictures of the event, so here's a cat dressed as a pumpkin.
I'll take the 30 Absinthe if that's OK. IGN: The Castaway
I'll take the 30 Absinthe if that's OK. IGN: The Castaway
25 Pumpkin Cookies
IGN: Darksein Wracken
Here be a cool halloween pic: Link
IGN: Darksein Wracken
Here be a cool halloween pic: Link
I want pumpkinhead serums!
IGN Maya Calandra
I'll edit with a pic! ok?
IGN Maya Calandra
I'll edit with a pic! ok?
25 Pumpkin Cookies
IGN: Evil Cloud
IGN: Evil Cloud
I'd like to take serums if thats ok
IGN: Slim The Monk
IGN: Slim The Monk
Cookies or Ghosts plz
ign: Nick Sizzle
Happy Halloween!
ign: Nick Sizzle
Happy Halloween!
I'd take 30 Absinthe if that is ok.
IGN - Shaqs Play Toy
IGN - Shaqs Play Toy
I'll take tonics! ^__^ If you still have any. I <3 the transmog tonics.
30 Witches Brews pleaase!
IGN: William Knight
IGN: William Knight
24 Serums plz
IGN Fox Avangarde
IGN Fox Avangarde
May I have witches' brew please?
IGN: Sledge Turtle
IGN: Sledge Turtle
I would be very hapy with 24 Squash Serums
IGN: Lucy Gwyneth
Halloween picture:my entry for the Halloween Art Contest 2010. Which sadly enough didn't win..
IGN: Lucy Gwyneth
Halloween picture:my entry for the Halloween Art Contest 2010. Which sadly enough didn't win..
if there is still something left over, i'll take it.
My ign = Lord Kipni
if there is still something left over, i'll take it.
My ign = Lord Kipni
Well not sure what is left or if only folks that posted a pic got; But I will take anything left over as working on all titles for HoM! My IGN= Franz Anton Savage
p.s. the pic is from this Halloween at end of completing the older 2009 "Don't Fear the Reapers" Quest in 19 minutes (new best time for me!); so sad worked very hard to get several toons to the "waiting game" level only to have all festival quests removed
p.s. the pic is from this Halloween at end of completing the older 2009 "Don't Fear the Reapers" Quest in 19 minutes (new best time for me!); so sad worked very hard to get several toons to the "waiting game" level only to have all festival quests removed
PhiL Gweod
I'll take 9 Trans tonics.
Noc pic coz I wasn't here during halloween
IG; Phil Red
Noc pic coz I wasn't here during halloween
IG; Phil Red