Commission - Closed: Nian's drawings
I have a friend who is super lactose intolerant and from watching her everyday I can understand it is not easy. Well, the only "easy" thing is making a mistake and eating something uncool. The symptoms are always nasty and painful so no need to belittle them imo. I also have a friend with celiac disease and my mom is also lactose intolerant. I don't think I even know anybody who hasn't got some issues with food. The curse of the modern diet and processed food you could say.
The hardest part is inviting them all over and cooking for them!
Take care, and go see that doctor when you are able to. I hope you will get the right treatment. I've also been tested for reflux disease, celiac disease, hypothyroidism, asthma, allergies etc. and no problems anywhere yet I was sick all the time. I thought I was going nuts until I found out about fructmal. My symptoms were all over the place, not just tummy pain but inflammatory joint pains, pms from hell and I always had a stuffy nose(apparently due to internal bloating) and I swear it makes my "slight" allergies worse. Glad they've all eased up with this diet. And to think I thought taking a spoonful of honey everyday would make me more tolerant.
I turned this into an illness discussion didn't I? *whistles innocently*
I think I will do some sketching too. Don't have any tabelts or programs available anyway right now. Definitely need to try out painting without the sketching part too.
I have a friend who is super lactose intolerant and from watching her everyday I can understand it is not easy. Well, the only "easy" thing is making a mistake and eating something uncool. The symptoms are always nasty and painful so no need to belittle them imo. I also have a friend with celiac disease and my mom is also lactose intolerant. I don't think I even know anybody who hasn't got some issues with food. The curse of the modern diet and processed food you could say.
The hardest part is inviting them all over and cooking for them!
Take care, and go see that doctor when you are able to. I hope you will get the right treatment. I've also been tested for reflux disease, celiac disease, hypothyroidism, asthma, allergies etc. and no problems anywhere yet I was sick all the time. I thought I was going nuts until I found out about fructmal. My symptoms were all over the place, not just tummy pain but inflammatory joint pains, pms from hell and I always had a stuffy nose(apparently due to internal bloating) and I swear it makes my "slight" allergies worse. Glad they've all eased up with this diet. And to think I thought taking a spoonful of honey everyday would make me more tolerant.
I turned this into an illness discussion didn't I? *whistles innocently*
I think I will do some sketching too. Don't have any tabelts or programs available anyway right now. Definitely need to try out painting without the sketching part too.
(Since I don't really have any problems o.0)
If you set a timer for yourself you will become much and much faster then you would before.
So if you were unable to finish something, you could think back and think about what needs to take less time.
If you set a timer for yourself you will become much and much faster then you would before.
So if you were unable to finish something, you could think back and think about what needs to take less time.
finally finished
did a minor fix to the hairline and reuploaded it to photobucket but bucket doesn't want to update it. <3 Ah well I hope it does later.
did a minor fix to the hairline and reuploaded it to photobucket but bucket doesn't want to update it. <3 Ah well I hope it does later.
NIAN! you's alive *squeeze*
i like it, so soft
i like it, so soft
Drelias Melaku
That's beautiful, Nian. I love that it's so glowy and airy, yet everything is still well-defined.
If you re-upload something on the same name on Photobucket, try Ctrl+F5 on a page with the image - it'll clear the cache and update your image immediately. I know it works on Firefox, but I'm not sure about other browsers.
If you re-upload something on the same name on Photobucket, try Ctrl+F5 on a page with the image - it'll clear the cache and update your image immediately. I know it works on Firefox, but I'm not sure about other browsers.
That's beautiful nian! I really like the soft colours you use when colouring, and the way everything just glows. :3 Very, very nice!
That looks absolutely great. I'm a fan of your artwork.
Nian it's lovely, can't wait to see more.
Thanks for the FODMAP link too, thats VERY interesting.
Thanks for the FODMAP link too, thats VERY interesting.
Oh lawd. The colors look insane on my work comp screen now. It's all very very red, unlike on my home comp. 8'D I wonder when will I learn to use greys and muted colors so this doesn't happen!
@Aeronwen: Np and thanks!
@tommy: *revives as a zombie* Nnngrrrlllff! :F
@Aeronwen: Np and thanks!
@tommy: *revives as a zombie* Nnngrrrlllff! :F
I see. Nian, we can't have you on your work computer anymore.