Hey again guys. I'm looking for some price check on several shields, weapons, minis
--all non inscribe white * unless stated *
1.Plated Shield (req8/16ar Motivation)
2.Shield of the Wing(req8/16ar Tactics)
3.Summit Warlord Shield(req8/16ar Tactics -1 dmg received stance)
4.Thunderfist's Brass Knuckles ( req9 7/17 dmg inscribe)
5.Chaos axe (req 8 6/25 dmg
6.Chaos Axe (req 8 6/26 dmg/ +12 armor in stance
7. Mini Seer (White DEDICATED)
8. Mini Kirin (Purple DEDICATED)
That's what i got for now. Thank you guys.
Closed: PC on several Mini's, Choas Axes, shields
animal fighter
1. non inscribable = merch
2. non inscribable = merch
3. non inscribable = merch
4. about 1k
5. non max merch
6. if it really is +12 armor in a stance sell it for XXXXe. but I'm assuming you meant damage, so merch.
7. not sure 10k?
8. probably 2k?
2. non inscribable = merch
3. non inscribable = merch
4. about 1k
5. non max merch
6. if it really is +12 armor in a stance sell it for XXXXe. but I'm assuming you meant damage, so merch.
7. not sure 10k?
8. probably 2k?
~~5-10k seer
Agree with above posts.