Scarab's Sale - Minis and More
sale closed...
r7 ar15 Blue Insc Round Shield (tactics)
ign via pm
ign via pm
5k on unded abyssal
ign: Gresdor Firetaler
ign: Gresdor Firetaler
Death Knight
10k Cloudtouched Simian
IGN via PM
IGN via PM
Retract, found ingame
The Final
Staff Wrapping of Fortitude (x2)
Sundering Spear Head
Spear Grip of Fortitude
14k for all
IGN Another Scene
Sundering Spear Head
Spear Grip of Fortitude
14k for all
IGN Another Scene
NVM, bought in-game
35K on dredge brute
IGN : Okamy No serenity
IGN : Okamy No serenity
40k on dredge brute
IGN: Loco Star
IGN: Loco Star
Cloudtouched Simian - 11k
Heket Warrior - 5k
IGN: Poseidon Br
Heket Warrior - 5k
IGN: Poseidon Br
Ara Dax
30 Flasks of Firewater
84 Aged Hunters Ale
6 Kegs of Ale
84 Aged Hunters Ale
6 Kegs of Ale
5k on Cave Spider
ign: Rytualistka Kintaju
ign: Rytualistka Kintaju
Ghengis Kwell
8K on Abyssal
IGN <<<<<<
IGN <<<<<<
100g each on the mysterious summoning stones
IGN: Magic Ling
IGN: Magic Ling
Death Knight
Cloudtouched Simian - 12k
Sundering Spear Head -3k
Spear Grip of Fortitude -3k
IGN: Xx Death Knight Xxx
Sundering Spear Head -3k
Spear Grip of Fortitude -3k
IGN: Xx Death Knight Xxx
Bump it up.
Updated list with acceptable bids and a few new items.
Updated list with acceptable bids and a few new items.
Cave Spider 8k
ign Pitha Elema
ign Pitha Elema
30 Flasks of Firewater
84 Aged Hunters Ales
130 Hunters Ale
6 Kegs of Ale
IGN <-Gennadios Maximus
84 Aged Hunters Ales
130 Hunters Ale
6 Kegs of Ale
IGN <-Gennadios Maximus
Squishy ftw
10k Abyssal
IGN: Heet Konijn
IGN: Heet Konijn
Scarlett Romanov
Traveller's Walking Stick (x3)
5k on each of these. 15k total
ign gloves and masks
5k on each of these. 15k total
ign gloves and masks
Cave Spider 10k
ign Gnar Polerid
ign Gnar Polerid
cave spider 12k
ign pitha elema
ign pitha elema
Bump this up again.
r7 ar15 Blue Insc Round Shield (tactics) 20k
IGN: Divine Galaxa
IGN: Divine Galaxa
Oola's Staff
Kerrsh's Staff
2k each
IGN: Merciful End
Kerrsh's Staff
2k each
IGN: Merciful End
Retracted because already found one.
If unded i'll to 1k on fire imp mini
IGN: Uriel Wolfblood
IGN: Uriel Wolfblood
15k Enameled Shield
IGN Sin Sup Port
IGN Sin Sup Port
200g each on the mysterious summoning stones
IGN: Magic Ling
IGN: Magic Ling
Updated with sold items and current high bids.
Updated with sold items and current high bids.
Desert Griffon - 10k
IGN: Trulithium Endus
IGN: Trulithium Endus
Bump it up......
Frozen Ele
10k Icicle Staff, pm me a b/o if you had one in mind.
IGN: The Frozen Ele
IGN: The Frozen Ele
Random Monk
If you still have it, 6k on Heket Warrior.
IGN: Yuni Moonshadow
IGN: Yuni Moonshadow
Jungle Troll + Fire Imp = 6k
ign : Lord Kipni
ign : Lord Kipni
Hidesplitter's Spear 3k
IGN: Sui Zen
IGN: Sui Zen
Bump it up....
Temple Guardian 3k ?
ign = Lord Kipni
ign = Lord Kipni
15k - r7 ar15 Blue Insc Tall Shield (strength) - I assume you mean Tactics, not strength.
2k - Morolah's Staff
Assuming all of the following mods are max ...
3k - Aptitude not Attitude
2k - Master of My Domain
1k - Furious Sword Hilt (x1)
Thanks & Cheers
EDIT - Ok, so we just met to trade all of the above except the 15/7 shield which turned out to be "Tower Shield" skin instead of "Tall Shield." I did not need a 15/7 Defender, so I wasn't interested in buying that one once we cleared up the confusion. However, for the rest ...
A+ feedback! Prompt, friendly trade with no surprises and great communication, response-time to questions, etc.! Thanks again & GL with the sale!
2k - Morolah's Staff
Assuming all of the following mods are max ...
3k - Aptitude not Attitude
2k - Master of My Domain
1k - Furious Sword Hilt (x1)
Thanks & Cheers
EDIT - Ok, so we just met to trade all of the above except the 15/7 shield which turned out to be "Tower Shield" skin instead of "Tall Shield." I did not need a 15/7 Defender, so I wasn't interested in buying that one once we cleared up the confusion. However, for the rest ...
A+ feedback! Prompt, friendly trade with no surprises and great communication, response-time to questions, etc.! Thanks again & GL with the sale!