Closed: PC on BDS and other golds please


Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2010

Shinigami's of Sereitei [SOS]




Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2010

Shinigami's of Sereitei [SOS]


Bump my post. Please Price check



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2009

Wroc??aw, Poland

Midnight Mayhem


Arrowblade Daggers - 1~2k if someone needs q9 daggers, common drop, i'd merch.
Smiting Staff - as above, though i'd use it on a hero (when it comes to hero staves in PvE, their q actually means nothing).
Greater Sage Blade - as above (Strength and Honor alone might be worth 1-1,5k provided someone wants to buy it in Kama).
Zodiac Scepter - 1% off the max, but the mods are not too good, i'd merch.

No high hopes for Suntouched Staff (nice skin, but high req scares people off and/or drops the value drastically), Zodiac Longbow (not too great inherent, also longbows...) and Zodiac Hammer (max q9, but not too cool inherent mod), but they still might be worth a penny.

Wait for confirmation and more PCs.