I am looking for a general warrior soloing build. It can be any secondary because I really don't know where to start with this one. Does such a build even exist?
I just want to be able to have a competent starting point for farming the items for Nick every week. I can make small changes myself as I find them with each new item, but I don't know where to start
Anyway, thanks if anyone can help me
General Warrior soloing/farming
Archress Shayleigh
I might be wrong (don't think I am) but asking for builds isn't really allowed. Try pvxwiki though for builds.
Also the items Nic usually asks for each week aren't always farmable, especially not on warrior. Check PvX for some fun Hero team builds if you want to farm Nic items. Just an idea.
would be the most general probably?
would be the most general probably?
Marty Silverblade
Please familiarise yourself with the General Campfire Guidelines and more specifically the Farming Forum Rules before posting.