With the upcoming 7 heroes gameplay I’d like to propose this idea to make it more fun, variable, and interesting for the players: the isle of heroes, which consists of two parts: added heroes and a few small new areas for the players.
Isle of Heroes: Story
This is fairly simple; after showing yourself as capable of handling yourself (beating one of the campaigns or GWEN), you are asked to go to a newly discovered island and set up a training ground of sorts for heroes in training to improve themselves for future challenges.
Isle of Heroes: Island
This is a small island with 3 or 4 areas. It has an outpost, a personalized area for the player called Hero Square (like the HoM or command post), and one or two areas with PvE mobs to fight.
The outpost would consist of a few merchants, skill trainer (unlocked skills only), and a few things like that. There could also be some daily quests that are given from the outpost to give us some more repeatable content. Perhaps these quests would have different mobs spawning in various areas for you to deal with. Hero square would have a statue of your character and places for other statues that appear when you unlock new groups of heroes (more on this later). Maybe there could be an armor crafter that will make for us some hero-unique armor styles.
To make sure the heroes get some lessons, you’d have one area with a random assortment of mobs throughout the games. If you defeat a boss, he spawns a chest with one random item and a little money. There could be a second area where you have human mobs running pvp builds (they use the ones from the last MAT) as well as a few objectives/features in the area that relate to PvP to use it as a training grounds of sorts and allow newer players to go against whatever the current meta is and test themselves against it.
Isle of Heroes: Heroes
I’ve been an advocate of using henchmen as heroes for awhile now. Seeing as we might get 7 heroes, now would be a good time to do that as it’d boost the number of heroes. To do it, I’d break the henchmen up by campaign and group. You’d have the core (cynn, devona, etc) proph henchmen, 3 groups of cantha henchmen (shing jea-kaineng city, luxon, and kurzicks) and nightfall henchmen. Now to acquire these henchmen you’d have to go to where they are from and do a quest or 3 to unlock them for your account.
Isle of Heroes: GW2
This island can also exist in GW2 and give another thing like the HoM for our future characters to inherit and tell of some of the history of heroes past and perhaps let us know what happened to them.
Island of Heroes
Eragon Zarroc
I would prefer a new challenging elite area instead of some island with a few meh areas to play with your heroes in

From Linsey Murdock's FAQ:
Even if idea is well, it will most likely never happen cuz there is no enough people in live team to do this before GW2's release.
Will there be any new missions/dungeons/realm of the gods/explorable areas added to Guild Wars?' A: This is a tough question to answer but if I had to distill it down to one word it would be "maybe...?" said in an unsure, questioning kind of way. I detailed out a bit of what it takes to make a new zone here. It's a bit vague, full of guestimations, long and certainly incomplete, but a good read for those who are interested. Here are a couple little tidbits of information for those not wanting to read all that... * Building a new map (just the map terrain with vegetation and structures) the size of Underworld or Fissure of Woe takes ~50 days of work and that is using all existing assets. It does not include making any new props, cladding, terrain textures, or anything else required to create a new aesthetic. It also doesn't include QA's time or concepting time. * A single quest takes a designer ~1 month from concept and design to polish and that is for a quest using existing assets. It does not include QA's time, programming time, or any additional assets needed. So knowing that, imagine what it would take to design, implement and balance an entire new zone or mission complete with new mechanics, lore, etc. We are easily talking about 6 months or more for a small team (like what we have) with the assistance of up to two dozen additional developers. So I think the question really is: will there ever be enough of the needed resources available to build a new zone filled with content? And the answer to that question is: I don't know and likely will not know unless we are deep into the development on said zone. Until then, even if we have plans to do a new zone it could always get canceled and we can't say anything about working on a new zone until we are super freaking positive that it will get released. Which means that you folks aren't likely to find out about development of any new zones until it is pretty darn close to release and we make some kind of official announcement about it. |
Marty Silverblade
Sounds interesting but I think it would lose it's appeal after a while unless the rewards are massive, which shouldn't happen. Sort of like a PvE Codex Arena, I imagine. /notsigned.
As far as the henchmen as heroes thing goes, I don't particularly care too much right now. I'd be happy to get either them or new heroes, but I can't give judgement until we find out who/what the new one/ones are.
As far as the henchmen as heroes thing goes, I don't particularly care too much right now. I'd be happy to get either them or new heroes, but I can't give judgement until we find out who/what the new one/ones are.
Too much trouble.
I'm not against adding more heroes. But it would be simpelr just to use already existing models and areas to add them.
Or at least, areas that were removed after some change.
I'm not against adding more heroes. But it would be simpelr just to use already existing models and areas to add them.
Or at least, areas that were removed after some change.