It has a 20/20, +30hp and 15^50 on it right now.
Imo it looks best dyed silver, so i dyed it silver =]
S/B 20e
C/o 27e
B/O 31e
WTS q12 Silverwing Recurve Bow
Voodoo Rage
Bid 25e
ign: Voodoo Rage (also try "Steel Bloodsong", my 2nd account)
ign: Voodoo Rage (also try "Steel Bloodsong", my 2nd account)
ninja fish
Bid 27e
ign; Doom In Fun Size
ign; Doom In Fun Size
Voodoo Rage
withdraw plz.... purchased in-game
1st and only bump
` Marshmallow
B/O please ^_^ IGN Rosetta Mystique!