War In Kyrta Glaiveway (thoughts? Opinions?)


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2009


I don't know if this is where im suppose to post, but after experiencing DoASC and other elite areas, its not really that hard if you know what your doing and are doing it with people who know what to do. And since this is the farming forum i figured this was the place to go.

Basically i was wondering if it would be possible to run a Glaiveway farm on Battle for Lions Arch.

Normal builds for DoASC DWGs, 1 Monk, probably UA, and 1 imba. Or possibly 4 dwgs, 2 monks or 3 dwgs, 2 monks, 1 SoS/Panic etc etc. But without the lightbringer signet and stuff like that.

The reason why I'm asking is mainly cause me and my best friend took a break from GW and our guild which actually got 1 million kurz faction in 5 days kind of fell apart, and a lot of my close friends left guild wars. Otherwise i would try this myself and post the awesomeness of my power or not post in my horrific failure.

With the green drop rate increasing (and not knowing if this affects the mini's rate) this weekend i figured it wouldn't be too hard to find a few GWG peoples to try this either with me or with friends or with others and report how it goes.

Also it would probably increase the amount of oppressors weapons floating around making it easier for people to fill out HoMs now.

Only drawbacks I can think of is that a conset MAY be required (1.333333k each… figure the person with cons will pay the extra 1g to make up >_>) , and that a LOT of peoples main’s have finished the quest itself.

I plan on working on getting my Imba through EOTN and get him infused, then trying this. Otherwise ill try DWG on my ranger if a team forms in the posts area or ill do DoA like crazy and find people willing to join and try it.

Basically im looking for reasons why this would/wouldnt work and ideas on how to do it.

Mainly stuff like (including my thoughts):

1. Strategy on the fight itself. (I'm thinking either A, charging into the huge mob up there and fighting like crazy. May kill everything or wipe in 3 seconds. No idea. Or, letting them kill the NPC's all the way to the first staircase and then letting the Melee ball on a DWG or Imba while the others kill the casters, then melee. (figure ranger with Throw Dirt could save himself with minimal healing right there, if only melee attack him. Casters would be an issue though))

2. Where to ball. (kind of a remake of question 1. But with actual strategy instead of hmmm i hope this works!. Figured that monks/imba would stay up high while DWGs stay under them, near the exit in the beginning. DWGs keep aggro, monks can heal. if stationed correctly i think most of the melee will get caught on DWGs, and the casters can be pulled after the Melees are gone.)

3. Is it worth the money (1.3333k) each time you do it. (I've only done BFLA a few times. I think i easily got 1.5k from my drops. The reason i ask this is just because if the rewards are crappy mini/orders/green wise it might not be worth it economically.)

4. Are the rewards worth the time? (30 minute fowsc means at least 1 shard if successful, this just means a possibility at a whole bunch of whites and 5 other people getting both White Mantle mini's. (omg could you imagine it? i would cry. Its like everyone getting obby edge at chest of woe and you getting a holy wand req 13 with non max damage or mods))

5. Is it feasible? Many people have the quest finished on their mains. Secondary and tertiary characters too possibly. Would you be willing to run a new character through Eotn/most of prophecies just to always be sure of getting into a WiK glaiveway team?

6. Would you be willing to do it? I'm kind of hoping for a test team that forms in posts below to try it a few times with different builds/people/conset no conset etc.

The fact that im in LA district 5 and only occasionally checking on GW, a lot of people are looking for the battle team wise, this could mean a larger stock of people who can use the quest. But it also means the dreadful choice, Medals of honor for sure + oppressors weapons, or the horrible thought that DWG could get nerfed meaning you have to find a completely new team to do it to get your oppressors...

TLR peoples, DoASC except in LA with 6 people and white mantle instead of demons, mini's confessors orders and WiK greens instead of gemsets, saving Salma vs killing giant monkey.

(Also, does anyone else get a little freaked out posting really long thread starters and reading over it for like an hour hoping that it doesnt bomb horribly causing ridicule for the rest of you GW time only to trail over to GW2 where people leave events when they see your name knowing your the guy who said that one thing on that forum that one time?)

Malis Of Monrovia

Malis Of Monrovia

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006




Originally Posted by Mouseslayer View Post
1. Strategy on the fight itself.
If you would attempt this, just let DwG's wall up at the stairway. Nothing can get through.

Quote: Originally Posted by Mouseslayer View Post 3. Is it worth the money (1.3333k) each time you do it. If you have a fulled geared DwG, you might as well go DoA. Gems and Armbraces are going well these days.

Quote: Originally Posted by Mouseslayer View Post 4. Are the rewards worth the time? Imo not really, you're not certain that you'll get something good. FoW/UW/DoA all have chests that'll give a slight reward.

Originally Posted by Mouseslayer View Post
5. Is it feasible? Ofcourse. If a well equipped non nub Frostway group can take on DoA HM, then this should be a walk in the park. Even if it's only 6. I'd roll
HB, UA, Panic, DwG, DwG, Imba. With everybody have air of superiority and infused armor.

Originally Posted by Mouseslayer View Post
6. Would you be willing to do it? Even though I strongly believe there's not much profit in it. I'd be willing to tag along for lols.

Divine Ashes

Divine Ashes

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006




I could be wrong, but if you intend to do this mission for the greens/minis, I believe that they altered the drops in this quest so that the minis/greens won't drop.

Mesmerizing lemon

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2010


[ToA] [Zraw]


lol since when is dwg doasc, its doa nubway


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2009


Originally Posted by Divine Ashes
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I could be wrong, but if you intend to do this mission for the greens/minis, I believe that they altered the drops in this quest so that the minis/greens won't drop. Really? I didn't know that. Just looked at the wiki page and it doesnt say anything.

And the main reason I was thinking about BFLA Glaiveway was just because there is a huge number of White Mantle. I was thinking mainly the Confessors orders rather then the greens/mini's. The double drop rate was mentioned just because i hoped it would make people think "Hey, If all greens are dropping double maybe ill get a mini, i should try this" Most of the farming, if it becomes actually used, would be for the confessors orders to get oppressors weapons to sell. IMHO a lot of the oppressors items look better then destroyer/tormented. I would rather have Oppressors staff then Tormented staff. Same with sword, spear, and daggers.

I know DoAsc with DWGs is very easy and is worth time. But it gets boring fast, and a lot of people leave after they do the part of the quest they wanted. Basically it comes down to a few minutes to get a few confessors orders to get gifts/Medals of Honor. War supply farming from the daily wanted quests doesnt give that many, which keeps the ability to get oppressors weapons very very limited. So confessors orders would be quick and easy way to farm, if dwg BFLA works well. Enough so it becomes meta and pug friendly.

Edit: Just thought about this, 3 stacks of confessors orders for each oppressors weapon. I think together me and my friend got around 30-40 orders just by BFLA, and that was with 4 heroes eating away the rest. It could easily be worth while if the drop rates on orders are steady. especially if there is no conset needed for it.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2007

Sydney, Australia

Haze of Light [pure]


I hero henched it with no issue using only alesia as my heals on my assassin, they didnt even reach the top of the first stairs. So to answer your question, yes it would be possible.

Not sure if your talking NM or HM.

Now to the other questions.

Worth it? - No
Worth effort to get a character to there? - No
Strategy itself - if you wait for them to come in slower, if you charge out I dunno how you'll survive coz theres ALOT out there. Would need a good imba.
Where to ball irrelevant.
Is it worth the conset? Definately not. Your still probably looking at about 10 minutes, for the potential of a decent drop, and more likely 2 or 3 k in drops max. Doing just city frostway nets you 4k in about 15-18 minutes, with potential for armor remnants, and if you continue to the other areas ALOT more gems.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

On Earth


If you're not doing it BLA to craft weapons then it's not worth your time. If you want to do it for fun then by all means go for it but the fun won't last forever.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Amazon Basin [AB]


I would look into the daily bounties for war supplies. You can often lineup 2 or 3 to be done at the same time with some patience, and if you can grab on multiple chars or even accounts, so much the better.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Dec 2008


i rolled this mission with a sos rit hero with frozen and eoe, 1 roj smiter, 1 sh ele, alesia lvl 10 n orion lvl 2 and me playing war

Xx Citrus Spike Xx

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2008

I don`t think it would be possible with DWG, One reason why it works so well in DOA is the fact that the enemies are demons and that you have this skill on your bar "Lightbringers Signet" for energy, i believe that you will run out of energy fast, you would probably need more than 2 dwg which you wont be able to use, also the mobs are not as stupid as doa demons, they have better bars etc, If it can be done dwg then i hold my hand up but i seriously doubt it.

One possible way to get around the energy problem could be too run this

Rit/? , by urals hammer, dwg, ancestors rage, light of deldrimor, spirit rift, (if bringing a sos) spirit syphon) if not bringing a sos you could wield in a diff slot a zealous axe and bring cyclone axe so if running low on energy and surrouned by enemies you could bump your nrg rite up in one swing. I figure that energy would be your problem here, could be wrong.

Saru The Boss

Saru The Boss

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2010


We Gat Dis [HRUU]


DoA Glaiveway is not even close to DoASC :P

Calista Blackblood

Calista Blackblood

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Originally Posted by Saru The Boss
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DoA Glaiveway is not even close to DoASC :P Just quoting this for epic truth.

OP: DoA builds work on the principal of energy,adrenaline and interrupts via Lightbringers Gaze and LB Signet. These are what allows the near constant spamming of glaive/AR/SR and your choice PvE skills due to being balls deep in demons.

Now: While glaive may work and is fun for everyday PvE,I truely believe that a WiK farm based on the glaive concept will not be viable.

1: Unless you are willing to slot in energy management bars will dry up rapidly. Already forcing Rt/ or /Rt will make this near impossible outside of kills like Air of superiority,Channelling,or some inspiration stuff.

2:To go further: You will pretty much need a constant source of energy, Blood Ritual may be able to cope,but Blood is power would likely be a better option (could also consider Well of power) This instantly takes up the party slot that would usually be a Panic Mes or SoS.

3: The DoA Monk bars also have some reliance on LB Signet

4:The ball and everyone tanks method of using glaive effectively is made much more viable due to the imbagon and your damage reduction from title rank.

5:WiK,I imagine will be nowhere near as good a source of income as DoA. 1 HM run will yield for example if you start Gloom:

Gloom: 2 Torment - 3kea -6k
Foundry: 4 Titan - 4-5kea -16-20k
Torcqua: 6 Margonite - 12-15k
Stygian Veil:8 Stygian - 16k ish

Also account for golds and other gem drops + 1 of each gem for accepting the Quest reward after Mallyx and good fast clean runs can yield an armbrace in not much time. Two fast full runs in HM will equal near enough 3 hours +15mins each for two Mallyx NM runs,160k approx to sell an armbrace.

I make that 40k per hour with an already time proven method farm.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2007


30-40 orders from bla - damn u must have been lucky as ive done it 2x on 2 diff chrs and we had 3 humans one chr an 2 the other chr and id guess between us we had a max of 4 or 5 orders ... so yeah your damn lucky then.
There was something said about bla and drops but i cant recall where it was .. but it was something to do with greens/minis not dropping and anet doing something to it and i dont think many ppl do it hm ( bad enough in nm and probably suicidal in hm ).
If your after farming orders .. i think they also have a low drop rate and weirdly enough falcon runs tho a measly 3 in nm still beats farming orders.
Ive even almost reached the stage where i fight wik foes and shout to them plz drop orders and they still dont listen lol.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2008

Planet Earth

Drop A Gem O N Em [MOB]


ive must say, this idea was looked kinda fun to me! but i couldn't find any people to do it with me so i got one friend with me and our heroes :P worked out pretty good in NM... to tired to do HM tho... here are the builds i used:

me : A/E tanker (is kinda needed or they just slaughter your DwG's)

-make sure to time your skills for kinetic armor!!!
-dodge move is req.
-stand in FRONT of the stairs
-you might want to replace shadow refuge for dwarven stability and drink for anti KD... i didn't need at as i had blue rock and balled em all up fast and dwg spikes were as good as clean!

Tahlkora (controlled by me) Mo/E healer (BS tank, life bond tank and BS tahlkora)
-stands middle/back of the stairs
-when about to spike, cast healing seed on the tanker so he and the DwG's around him get some good heals!
-control her good, make sure she maintains her energy , even with BS energy you might wanna use glyph from time to time...

Master of Whispers (controlled by me) N/Rt supporter
-stands next to tahlkora
- +- 25/30 sec before spike cast 'Life'
- when about to spike, use resil. wep. on the tanker, and activate well of power and well of blood so as soon as a foe dies you got some energy/hp.
signet for energy and other signet at end to finish off remaining foes/bosses/healers.

My friend: N/Rt DwG
Livia (controlled by my friend) N/Rt DwG
Olias (controlled by my friend) N/Rt DwG
all these stand middle/bottom of stairs, when the meelee foes are balled around the tank, go and run to him and DwG/AoE like hell :P
when they're dead, run with your heroes back to the middle/top of the stairs, if there are more waves t ocome, let all meelee foes gather for another spike, if not, wait for tank to ball the ranged foes , when hes done and stands next to them, go and spike.

builds are in this link:


(first DwG is player as he can control spirit step better)
NOTE: this build is not for lazy ppl, some micro skills ARE REQUIERD!!
i think builds speak for themselves and attrb aswewell.

you are think now prob like WTF u use consets in NM??!!
well i used as tanker a blue candy cane rock (activated it when first boss came), it prob won't last all battle but at the end there won't be a big need for it...
for the necro i think you would prob be good when using cany apples/corn for energy/hp/attr raise -> more dmg!!

when i do it another time ill make sure i screen :P