Let me start off by saying this is a big order...
I have grown tired of doing my titles, I am at 26/30 max and hate vanquishing. So here is my offer:
I have 37 Prophesy area that need to be vanquished and 30 Nightfall areas as well. I am paying 200g/foe AFK for someone to start doing these for me. I have all the money required for these to be done so it would be entirely up to you when you want to do them (asap perfered). I can also make a minimum foe per area prepayment as discribed by wiki, with a remainder payment after the area is cleared, if required. I'd like to see this done in the next 2 weeks, if someone can do that I'll throw in a nice bonus.
If you migh be interested in this and want more information please contact me via guru.
LF Vanquishing Service
I can do some NF areas for you.
- Dark Scythe Wielder
- Dark Scythe Wielder
Can vq any area at your rate (exception: Majesty Rest which is fix cost). PM me:
IGN: Mhenlo is my son
IGN: Mhenlo is my son
I am currently vanq Nightfall followed by Proph, plz pm me with what area's you have left and times you log on. Plus I would like to know what your hero's are capable of as I will need them to tag along with my builds.
IGN: Fox Avangarde
IGN: Fox Avangarde
take a look at my thread on the service offered section
TnT & Aidans Vanquisher service
we offer every area at a 150g/foe rate
this includes you being afk
aswell as a conset (on our costs) every area with more than 150 foes
the prices are based on the average set on wiki no extra payment for more foes.
we are a team of 2 runners (and 1 backup) to maximize availability
EDIT: we currently have no waiting list and we wont have trouble getting it done under 2 weeks (this only if client is online enough for us to do the work)
Aidan Aim
TnT & Aidans Vanquisher service
we offer every area at a 150g/foe rate
this includes you being afk
aswell as a conset (on our costs) every area with more than 150 foes
the prices are based on the average set on wiki no extra payment for more foes.
we are a team of 2 runners (and 1 backup) to maximize availability
EDIT: we currently have no waiting list and we wont have trouble getting it done under 2 weeks (this only if client is online enough for us to do the work)
Aidan Aim
Ariena Najea
I would be happy to run these for you, particularly if Aidan's service has a waiting list atm.
As per my old services thread (link) I specialize in large orders and should be able to complete or come near to completion within two weeks. Also since you have a large order, 175g/foe is more than reasonable. Payment is based upon the average # of foes on Wiki, and I don't mind if you have active quests.
Please let me know via PM or in-game.
IGN Ariena Najea
As per my old services thread (link) I specialize in large orders and should be able to complete or come near to completion within two weeks. Also since you have a large order, 175g/foe is more than reasonable. Payment is based upon the average # of foes on Wiki, and I don't mind if you have active quests.
Please let me know via PM or in-game.
IGN Ariena Najea
I have found a service provider atm, if things change I'll post here again.