PC on a froggy and shadow balde


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2010

City of Trees, Ca

Looking for a medium sizeish Luxon guild pm in game


So I have a q13 curses froggy I just got
And a old school q9 shadow blade I would like some price ranges on
I know the froggy wont fetch as much as a lower req but still
And the shadow blade is caster modded: +5e and 20% longer enchants, but that can be changed
edit: shadow blade isnt inscirbable like i though

Puddin Cheeks

Puddin Cheeks

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006

On Welfare

Jelly of the Month [Club]

shadow blade, prob 10k tops.
Not sure on froggy.