Some oldschool items.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2008


Furious Oni Daggers of Warding 7-17 req8 Damage +15% -10armor while attacking +7 armor vs ele damage double adrenaline gain 10%chance

Oni daggers of Defense 7-17 15^50 armor +5

Barbed Gemstone Axe of Shelter 6-28 req 12 +5 energy lengthens bleeding 33% armor +7 vs physical

Ebon Shadow blade of Enchanting 15-22 req 9 15^50 enchantments last 20% longer

Fiery Ironwing Flatbow 15-28 req9 +15% -10 armor while attacking

Poisonous Ironwing Flatbow of Warding 15-28 req 9 +15% -5 energy lengthens posion 33% armor +7 vs ele

Furious Vertebreaker of Defense 15-22 req 10 15^50 double adrenaline 10% armor +5

Icy Vertebreaker of Swordsmanship 15-22 req 10 +15% -5 energy swordsmanship +1 20% chance

White Reaver of Charrslaying 6-28 req 9 +15% -10armor while attacking dmg +20% vs charr

and i have a non oldschool (inscribable) req 9 15^50 20/20 +30 gemstone axe


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2008


Not even a price on at least one of them?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2008


Made this thread a long time ago and got nothing. Figured I would give it a try again since I still have it all.




Join Date: Dec 2005

Nunya Bizness

pupu / SLAP


1. 10-15k
2. what req?
3. merch/hero/use
4. 10-15k
5. 5-10k
6. merch
7. 5-10k
8. merch
9. 100k more or less
10. 5-10k