Is there a time limit for Normal Mode Masters? I would like to take the backway which makes the mission completion way longer than 20 minutes.
Gyala Hatchery - Time limit for Masters?
i think for master you just have to have all 5 baby turtles survive
Gyala hatchery has no time limits. All that matters for the bonus is that you keep all the little turtles alive. A perfectly valid way to do the mission is to avoid the group at the start, sneaking past at the very edge of the terrain to the right, and then proceeding to clear out the whole map before the caravan even starts moving.
Alright! Easy enough.
Neo Nugget
Yr back way should have helped rid most of the hordes, leaving room for all the turtles to survive. Those left-overs you can use the cannons to help. Just drop it where the babies are... if i remember correctly.
In my experience, if you pre-clear the mission, you don't need to bond the turtles or anything. Just drop the smoke beacon right on top of them for the first encounter, so the turtles take out the warriors, and the little fellas should be safe.
Bonding is what many teams did before it was discovered that you could pre-clear a large portion of it.
Erm... that's years now, then. Even before Nightfall, when I first got to it, I saw the pre-clear method on the wiki...
Anyway, a Soul twisting protective ritualist is never out of place, anyway
Anyway, a Soul twisting protective ritualist is never out of place, anyway