Hello, I have a very large job open and am currently shopping around for the best quote from all the various vanquish runners and I suppose I may as well make this open to anyone. Please post your best price to do the job below with me being AFK for the entire period.
I will pay in mostly ectos at the rate of 100K = 14e and make up the difference in gold; I will pay at the end of each run and based on the number of foes killed.
I would like Prophecies done first, followed by Nightfall.
The Scar
Old Ascalon
Mineral Springs
North Kryta Province
Kessex Peak
Watchtower Coast
Ice Floe
Tasca's Demise
Snake Dance
Dreadnought's Drift
Lornar's Pass
Cliffs of Dohjok
The Hidden City of Ahdashim
Joko's Domain
The Alkali Pan
The Shattered Ravines
Poisoned Outcrops
The Ruptured Heart
Crystal Overlook
Vehjin Mines
Sparkfly Swamp
Magus Stones
Drakkar Lake
Sacnoth Valley
Arbor Bay
Raisu Palace
Melandru's Hope
The Eternal Grove
Mourning Veil Falls
Morostav Trail
Boreas Seabed
Sunjiang District
Zen Daijun
Jaya Bluffs
Sunqua Vale
Kinya Province
Legendary vanquisher + eotn vanquishes
Anti Welfare
can do all vanq. 150g/foe avg foe count paid in advance, any remaining balance paid at end.
Depending on my schedule, I can run you all (Tyria areas must be bundled, not running them singly).
8-man: 125g/foe
4-man: 200g/foe
8-man: 125g/foe
4-man: 200g/foe