Don't forgo splinter weap!

Essence Snow

Essence Snow

Unbridled Enthusiasm!

Join Date: Nov 2009



Too many times during pugs I run into the same SoS build. (SoS, bloodsong, pain,vampirism, AoU,summon spirits, painful bond, and either siphon or boc)

Where has Splinter Weapon gone on the human SoS?

At 15 channeling it can provide up to 750dmg for a "5e, 1sec cast, and 5 sec rc", skill. It is too strong to be forgotten on any Rit bar with spec in channeling. (ofc given there is some sort of physical to cast it on)

The only reason I can see leaving this skill behind is that ppl want to be lazy, setting their spirits and standing around till the need to cast them again.

Am I missing there some reason why most SoS forgo this skill?

Gabriel of Ravn

Gabriel of Ravn

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2010


None, retired to GW2.


Don't really take out my Rit now these days but I usually slap it on my SoS hero whenever I do something like Wanted on my War or Sin



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2008

Denver, Colorado

Reign of Judgment [RoJ]


Even as a spirit spammer, if I'm speccing 15+ in channeling, I'm taking Splinter Weapon if there's any sort of physical on the team. It's too good to be ignored. I'll try to pack AR on my bars as well if possible, to be cast immediately after splinter on a frontliner.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

IMO Great Dwarf Weapon is better for pugs, specially with a few points in spawning power to make it last a bit longer.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Dec 2008


too lazy to cast splinter in pve, leave it for the heroes

if they made it 1/4 or 1/2 cast id probably bring it

Grim Aragorn

Grim Aragorn

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005


A-rage and splinter should be staple on all SoS bars a rit not taking them is either bad or really lazy



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2008

United States

Lords Of Noh [LoN]


Not sure what you mean, as every SoS I've ever met has carried Splinter Weapon. I carry it myself when running SoS. Mostly though, I'm running a Resto Ritual Lord build.

But if I have a Rit Hero, usually always have Splinter on them unless they are running Shelter Support. Do agree though. Every SoS Rit should always carry it, especially with a Barrage in the group. That is easy clearing there.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2007

Sydney, Australia

Haze of Light [pure]


Splinter & A-rage are awesome. I agree 100% that people dont know their power. On a SoS rit i bring it even if no frontliners and cast it on myself and wand it out.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2010

The Netherlands

Are We Friends [NLT]


Human's are better at managing and positioning spirits than heroes, so just leave A-rage and Splinter Weapon to the heroes imo.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2007

Sacred Forge Knights


Any support char in a pug should adapt their build to support frontliners period. GDW is superior to splinter in almost every situation, however if a Barrage shows up I would even ditch another spirit to bring Splinter as well.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2009

Credit goes to Chthon from elsewhere (if you want me to pull this for whatever reason, I'll delete the post).

[email protected] is cast on the recharge and always scores every trigger on every hit. It's maximum possible DPS is (4*35*3)/6 = 70. [email protected] has a maximum possible DPS of (5*53*3)/6 = 132.5. Both of those figures are maximum possible values that are rather unrealistic. You're not going to get 3 adjacent foes on all 5 hits every time you cast Splinter. In fact, you're probably going to get a lot less. Each missed trigger takes ~9DPS off the r16 Splinter's maximum. By comparison, assume [email protected] is cast on the recharge, and your team has enough sins to put it on, and they are using JS+FF+DB+auto+auto. Your DPS would be (20 / 6) * 20 * 1.86267039 = 124.178026. And that is a pretty realistic number because the sins are going to keep swinging. If r16 Splinter misses a trigger or two per cast (quite likely), it's going to have less DPS than GDW. Splinter's only serious advantage is that it can be spikey when combined with multi-hit attacks. Then there's GDW's really, really powerful KD effect to consider."

tl;dr - read the bolded (emphasis mine) sections.

Arrogant Bastard

Arrogant Bastard

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2009

Your mom's house


Splinter Weapon and Ancestor's Rage spam is for heroes.

Grim Aragorn

Grim Aragorn

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005


GDW is seriously overated, aoe dmg will always outdo single target dmg (scythe would be the only time GDW might be useful but even then...) bring a PI mes and u can keep mobs KD'd allowing splinter to do its job and blow up everything in seconds....

Essence Snow

Essence Snow

Unbridled Enthusiasm!

Join Date: Nov 2009



My original intent for this was splinter>comming split. As for gdw vs splint....both have advantages.

Either way either is better on a SoS then splitting for communing.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2010



Splinter has the advantage that it can be max damage without much effort, just rune yourself to 15 channeling. GDW to max out you have to get 160k dwarf and is double the energy.
When I play with a friend who is a war, splinter + ancestors is pretty much bye bye mob.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2007

gdw + soh.
a must for physicals imo.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2010




I've been taking my ranger through factions with just heroes. I ran SW/Barrage until I got far enough to cap SoS. Now run it using max channeling build, some thrown into expertise and remainder points put into communing to make Armor of Unfeeling last longer, bring Pyre Fierceshot also setup as R/Rt but speced into expertise and communing maxed with a full communing bar, setup Gwen as a panic mes, and Ogen as a UA monk.

Even in 8 man areas (NM) I'm just blowing through them with myself and these heroes. I don't even bring henchies usually. If I have any trouble, I just throw on an extra healer and/or prot hero. There are no physicals at all in this team setup. So Splinter is kind of useless.

I'd throw it on a hero though before I'd bring it myself. Unless I was running a R/Rt splinter/barrage build.

Perfected Shadow

Perfected Shadow

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006


Umes Uranger U[bot]

The reason is that most pugs do not think about team synergy. Everyone just does their own shit -> DPS frontlines don't receive proper buffs (often don't even receive prots gg) -> DPS frontlines just play H/H instead -> the only pug frontlines left are tanks whose idea of tanking is running to the next mob, popping dolyak/endure pain, and watching the mobs run straight past them to the backline -> I bring Vengeance instead of splinter/GDW.

On the rare occasions that I get proper DPS physicals on a general pug, I'll take splinter only on areas with large mob densities (e.g. BLA). GDW the rest of the time.

Originally Posted by MArcSinus
Human's are better at managing and positioning spirits than heroes, so just leave A-rage and Splinter Weapon to the heroes imo. Why not do both? In typical pugs there is no spot for a hero.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


splinter on people with spears that are casters. It makes wanding scary.

But yeh the physicals you see are:
100B warriors
Death blossom sins
crit scythe
Barrage rangers
and the oh so common defy pain tank with 8 or 9 in weapon

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

I was in a PuG a couple of months back and the SoS wasn't running Splinter. I asked him to take it and he said 'I don't know what to do with it'. As if we needed any more proof the average PuG player has no mental capacity whatsoever.