A New way to finish this dungeon alone , or to run people for money . If seen runners with this kind of builds , but i havent seen someone to share this kinds of builds .
1. Builds Player MO
Hundered Blades /elite
Whirlind Attack /sunspear title track
Protective Spirit
Spirit Bond
By Ural`s Hammer / Deldrimor title track
Light Of Deldrimor /deldrimor title tack
Essence Bond
2. Builds Hero SOJ MO
Shield Of Judgment /elite
Blessed Signet
Patient Spirit
Purge Signet / or change for Rebirth
Strength Of Honor
Holy Wrath
Blessed Aura
Hero SB MO
Spell Breaker / elite
Splinter Weapon
Blessed Signet
Dwayna`s Kiss
Balthazar`s Spirit
Blessed Aura
Template Code Hundred Blades OwET0mHTZqvYHUroeQLKVkUUfAA
3. Player 12+1+1 Protection / 12 Swordsmanship
Heroes Soj Mo Smiting 12+3+1 / 10 DIvine/ 8+1 Healing
SB Mo 12+3+1 Divine / 10 Channeling / 8+1 Healing
4. Player weapons, this is what i use and works fine for me .
A . SWord req9/13 Up to you with next mods .
Double adrenaline gain 10%
Inscription `` To The Pain ``
Damagae +20 (vs undead )
Damage +20% ( customized )
B. Second sword Same as first sword but with
Damage +20% (vs Charr) / or is better if you have +25% vs Charr
C. ANy 20/20 Protection offhand , this offhand use it on both sides
5. Weapons for heroes . As long is have 20% ench staves is good .
6. Survivor Runes / Vitae / few radiant or attunement
More Hp for heros
Well Have fun , and waiting for comments , screenshots mayby.If anyone have ideas all are welcome.
Hundred Blades Cof Runner Hm
Masacru Ak
Its à bit confusing with the hero bars, and attributes, could you please change that?
whats the average speed with this build
Im still trying to wonder how many people make this run o0 - 3, 4? Maybe even 5?
Masacru Ak
i hope this is gone help you ( lvl 3 soon ) . Those they dont belive this builds they dont work , i will run for them no money to show them they wrong . PAA idk how many people they run this kind of builds , i was running for myself and for others all customers they was pleased by my services . If you see me online ( IGN : Masacru Calugar ) i will run .
Camel Sausage
This is a fun varient, I took EBSoH instead of BuH as it's been "updated"; most mobs blow up in one whirl.
I also moved Balths Spirit to the smiter to charge whirl and had to wait once or twice between groups for an extra blessed sig cast, but well worth it i thought.
I also moved Balths Spirit to the smiter to charge whirl and had to wait once or twice between groups for an extra blessed sig cast, but well worth it i thought.