Hey all,
I was cleaning my characters and storage the other day and I got millions of stuff I wanna get rid of. I just have to know the price.
Webslauss' Faith
The Scar Eater
Thornbeard's Horned Bow
Sulmeng's Staff
Wenslauss' Chalice
Kole's Gauntlet
Ahvha's Longbow
Swiftscale's Shortbow
The Soulstone
Strongroot's Shelter
Wroth's Icon
Mallyx's Longbow
Onwan's Aegis
Straw Effigy [req. 9 heal, skill recharge 20% health +30]
Rajazan's Fervor
Ironwing Longbow
Kepkhet's Refuge
Staff of the Forgotten
Vampiric Shadow Bow
15-28 Piercing dmg REQ 8.
Damage +15% (enchanted)
Life draining: 5
Health regeneration -1
Amber Longbow of Fortitude
15-28 piercing dmg REQ. 8
Damage +14% [enchanted]
Health +29
Silencing Zodiac Daggers of Fortitude
Piercing Dmg 7-17 (req. 9 Dagger Mastery)
Energy +5
Lengthens Dazed duration on foes by 33%
Health +30
Insightful Smiting Staff of Mastery
Halves skill recharge of spells (20% chance)
Energy +10
Holy dmg 11-22 (req. 9 Smiting Prayers)
Energy +5
Smiting Prayers +1 (Chance 20%)
Inscription: "Hale and Hearty"
Energy +5 (while Health is above 50%)
Furious Igneous Blade
Slashing Dmg 15-22 (req. 12 Swordsmanship)
Double adrenaline gain (chance 9%)
Inscription: Brawn over Brains
Damage +15%
Energy -5
Energy +12 (req. 8 blood magic)
Energy +15
Energy regeneration -1
Armor +5 (while casting)
Longbow of Defense
Piercing dmg 15-28 (req. 11 Markmanship)
Damage +15%
Energy -5
Armor +5
The Bison Cup
-standard mods-
Furious Shadow Axe of Axe Mastery
Slashing dmg 6-28 (req. 8 Axe)
Axe mastery +1 (20% chance)
Inscription: strength and honor
damage +15% (while heallth is above 50%)
Double adrenaline gain (chance 10%)
Furious Zodiac Sword of Defense
Slashing dmg 15-22 (req. 10 sword)
Damage +15% (while health is above 50%)
Double adrenaline gain (chance 10%)
Armor +5
Other weapons related stuff
Vampiric Bowstring
Life draining : 5
Health regeneration -1
Insightful staff head
Energy +5
Grim Cesta
Energy +6 (req. 5 blood magic)
Health -50
2 normal dervish tomes
Undedicated miniatures
Water Djinn
Black Beast of AAArrrghhhhhhhhhh
Charr Shaman
Terrorweb dryder
Cloudtouched Simian
Thorn Wolf
Siege Turtle
Wind Rider
Roaring Ether
Quetzal Sly
Heket Warrior
Temple Guardian
Cave Spider
Pretty please, TY ^^
All kind of stuff
animal fighter
Vampiric Shadow Bow 25-50k not sure but ench mod sucks for rangers
Amber Longbow of Fortitude 15^50 ones are hard to sell, I'd say 5k tops
Silencing Zodiac Daggers of Fortitude 15-20k
Insightful Smiting Staff of Mastery merch
Furious Igneous Blade merch
Idol 5kish I'd assume
Longbow of Defense merch
The Bison Cup 5k hard to sell probably
Furious Shadow Axe of Axe Mastery if this is a q8 inscribable axe lots of ectos
Furious Zodiac Sword of Defense 40-50k
Amber Longbow of Fortitude 15^50 ones are hard to sell, I'd say 5k tops
Silencing Zodiac Daggers of Fortitude 15-20k
Insightful Smiting Staff of Mastery merch
Furious Igneous Blade merch
Idol 5kish I'd assume
Longbow of Defense merch
The Bison Cup 5k hard to sell probably
Furious Shadow Axe of Axe Mastery if this is a q8 inscribable axe lots of ectos
Furious Zodiac Sword of Defense 40-50k