Candysmith Marley Unded, im looking for 35 ectos
Other Pets: all unded. Im not sure what these are worth. post offers plz.
Fungal Wallow
Heket Warrior
IGN: Sour Beard Jr
i may not be on, but ill check here again.
Deleted all the stuff i sold. and dropped Buy out Price for marley to 30e.
Candysmith Marley, Tormented Shield, Pets.
sure man, let me know your ign an when your on.
also if you dont like the prices give me an offer.
also if you dont like the prices give me an offer.
20e marley
pm here for ig.
pm here for ig.
I'll take the torm shield
e: he'd already sold. ty anyway
e: he'd already sold. ty anyway