Signature skills for Hench
With the previous updates, I thought that the introduction of new characters were quite well done with their special monster skills. Koro,Lawrence and the rest of the Ebon falcons were memorable because of their unique skills. I am suggesting that maybe after the 7 hero hero update we could add some individual specific skills for the hench that would make them fun to take.
Throwing out a few random examples
"Cynn's gaze:5e,1/4s,15r: Target foe is crippled, set on fire(burning) and weakened for (10 seconds). You gain 3e for each condition on foe."
"Mhenlo's gaze: 10e, 1/4s, 15r" Target ally loses all hexes and conditions, you gain 2e for each condition and hex removed.
"Eve of sacrifice": 100% h sacrifice. 25e, 5sec, 60r: All enemies in area range lose health equal to 1/2 the amount of health you have when this skill ends. "This skill adds no dp"
Throwing out a few random examples
"Cynn's gaze:5e,1/4s,15r: Target foe is crippled, set on fire(burning) and weakened for (10 seconds). You gain 3e for each condition on foe."
"Mhenlo's gaze: 10e, 1/4s, 15r" Target ally loses all hexes and conditions, you gain 2e for each condition and hex removed.
"Eve of sacrifice": 100% h sacrifice. 25e, 5sec, 60r: All enemies in area range lose health equal to 1/2 the amount of health you have when this skill ends. "This skill adds no dp"
A cool idea, really.
It would make the henchmen seem more like characters than robots. Gives them a little personality.
It would make the henchmen seem more like characters than robots. Gives them a little personality.

I like it. It could also make henchmen somewhat useful when 7 hero teams are available.
Even if it sounds fun, /notsigned
The NPCs that appeared were random and only appeared in some areas, so it wasn't that much of a "problem".
The NPCs that appeared were random and only appeared in some areas, so it wasn't that much of a "problem".
When you say "problem", do you mean balance? I think hench would be balanced by their unboosted attributes, their unswappable weapons and the degree of non-control you have over them. A good micro managed hero team is going to be much better than AI even if they have powerful skills.
would be op
This is something Anet never would do. It's a waste of time since they have more "important" things to do.
would be op
This is something Anet never would do. It's a waste of time since they have more "important" things to do.
Captain Bulldozer
Seems like a reasonable suggestion to me... I know that Argo already has his own skill... maybe some of the others do as well? (I'm currently too lazy to check). This could be more work than it sounds like for the live team though, as they'd have to invent and balance a lot of new skills (and for different levels/areas).
Marty Silverblade
As long as they're not too overpowered it would be fine. None of the skills listed in the OP is overpowered, and it's not like it'll make much difference anyway because 7 heroes is already going to make PvE trivial (if you haven't decided it is yet anyway).
Pony Slaystation
As long as the skills aren't extremely overpowered, it would be a really fun idea. Once seven hero teams are an option, it would be nice to give henchmen something special that would give them an edge over heroes in certain situations. Plus, it would make PvE a little easier for players who don't have access to Nightfall or Eye of the North.
Is there any legit announcement that we will get 7hero teams? ive yet only heard people say it, never heard/seen any real announcement .
Zanagi Kazuhiko
agree, if not overpower, /signed
I like Koro's Gaze:
Spell. Target other ally is healed for 150 health and loses 1 hex. If a hex was removed, all adjacent foes take 80 damage.
It's cure hex, and smite hex/shatter hex in one, with a 5 energy cost and 3 recharge.
There's also: which is basically final thrust with burning
Spell. Target other ally is healed for 150 health and loses 1 hex. If a hex was removed, all adjacent foes take 80 damage.
It's cure hex, and smite hex/shatter hex in one, with a 5 energy cost and 3 recharge.
There's also: which is basically final thrust with burning
They're bots with non-synergized skillsets. ANet can add a max Asuran Scan to Little Thom or that other sword guy in proph and people still wouldn't bother using them.
I can't see heroes made OP enough to justify their use after 7-heroes are implemented.
I can't see heroes made OP enough to justify their use after 7-heroes are implemented.
It has been stated quite clearly that some time soon there will be a place created called Embark Beach this will be a central location for missions.
It was also stated that filling out your party with heroes were on the way you can check the link here which was a survey of players who took part in and later commented on the war in kryta.
I take this to mean not 7 heroes but a full party of one player and sufficient heroes be it 3 5 7 or any number up to the mission limit.
the relevant passage is at the bottom of the page.
Q: How would you feel about having a party that you could fill with Heroes?
Our final category proves to be another big positive—50.7% of people say that they “love it,” while 14.4% are between that and “OK,” which comes in at 23.1%. Only 5.7% “hate it like burning,” while the final 6.1% were seemingly indifferent. You can look forward to filling out your party with Heroes as another feature of the free update build that will include Embark Beach.
It was also stated that filling out your party with heroes were on the way you can check the link here which was a survey of players who took part in and later commented on the war in kryta.
I take this to mean not 7 heroes but a full party of one player and sufficient heroes be it 3 5 7 or any number up to the mission limit.
the relevant passage is at the bottom of the page.
Q: How would you feel about having a party that you could fill with Heroes?
Our final category proves to be another big positive—50.7% of people say that they “love it,” while 14.4% are between that and “OK,” which comes in at 23.1%. Only 5.7% “hate it like burning,” while the final 6.1% were seemingly indifferent. You can look forward to filling out your party with Heroes as another feature of the free update build that will include Embark Beach.
Hmm yeah kind of forgot that with 7 heroes there will be almost no reason to take a henchman.
Have to make sure however that those skills cannot be exploited in some way.
Have to make sure however that those skills cannot be exploited in some way.
I believe i read somewhere that Embark Beach is due out around the time of the wedding. So therefore we can expect 7 heroes and embark before wintersday.
It has been stated quite clearly that some time soon there will be a place created called Embark Beach this will be a central location for missions.
It was also stated that filling out your party with heroes were on the way you can check the link here which was a survey of players who took part in and later commented on the war in kryta. I take this to mean not 7 heroes but a full party of one player and sufficient heroes be it 3 5 7 or any number up to the mission limit. the relevant passage is at the bottom of the page. Q: How would you feel about having a party that you could fill with Heroes? Our final category proves to be another big positive—50.7% of people say that they “love it,” while 14.4% are between that and “OK,” which comes in at 23.1%. Only 5.7% “hate it like burning,” while the final 6.1% were seemingly indifferent. You can look forward to filling out your party with Heroes as another feature of the free update build that will include Embark Beach. |
Ok Dont Panic
Either they will remove the cap on the amount of heros or set it to 7 so that you cannot solo the Deep and Urgoz with a full party (which would seem silly if they are allowing us to do that for DoA UW and FoW). I'm hoping they will just remove the cap. Possibly the reason its stated as 7 is becasue most teams for most areas in 8. So it was just a general term.
11 heros for Urgoz or deep...
thats going to limit you aswell tho.. surely.. i guess 3 monks 2 mesmers 2 rits 3 necros or 3 eles.. thinking overpowered much..
I love the idea of giving henchman skills specific for them. <3 would be a lot of fun and could prove better than heros in some cases.
But if we do start seeing no cap on heros then no one (unless they dont have the heros unlocked at the time =new char or not all the campaigns..) will be using henchman and they will practically be made redundant.
And if they are making EMbark reach for missions central.. wont people prefer having 7 heros they can tell what to do, or 7 people they may or may not have the ability to complete the mission. Not saying i prefer heros but its intersting
11 heros for Urgoz or deep...
thats going to limit you aswell tho.. surely.. i guess 3 monks 2 mesmers 2 rits 3 necros or 3 eles.. thinking overpowered much..
I love the idea of giving henchman skills specific for them. <3 would be a lot of fun and could prove better than heros in some cases.
But if we do start seeing no cap on heros then no one (unless they dont have the heros unlocked at the time =new char or not all the campaigns..) will be using henchman and they will practically be made redundant.
And if they are making EMbark reach for missions central.. wont people prefer having 7 heros they can tell what to do, or 7 people they may or may not have the ability to complete the mission. Not saying i prefer heros but its intersting

Need to remember not EVERYONE has nightfall/eotn. So even if there are people that would always take their heros over said henchmen...there are still people with limited heros/no heros at all...and this would probably help them greatly.
General PvE is pretty easy... Not needed and no point to adding it. Make henchman useful? No reason to care when you already have seven heroes or a party of humans.
it's all fun and games til the henchies start using their skills on you in the norn fighting tournament

snowman relic
as long as areanet doesn't remove the henchmen after the 7 heroes update i wouldn't care if you made them invincible =P
The idea has been suggested before. I like it. After the full hero party is implemented it would be nice if henchmen were a viable option in some areas. Even if they were as powerful as the skills the Ebon Falcons had, it still wouldnt be a huge game changer. And depending on your team set up would still be inferior to heros, most of the time.
While we are talking about henchmen, I always thought it would be fun if we had access to the core henchmen(the henchmen in our guild hall and HA). No one uses them anyway. Keep them from being exploited earlier on by restricting them on noob islands or before ascension. I realize they are geared toward PvP, but I would still prefer some of their builds to most henchies. Just a thought.
Its not an issue of PvE already being too easy or an issue of adding more easy buttons, I mean PvE skills. Thats an issue that can be dealt with seperately. Like making HM difficult. I want these changes because it could add some flavor and variety to parts of the game that are boring and stale.
While we are talking about henchmen, I always thought it would be fun if we had access to the core henchmen(the henchmen in our guild hall and HA). No one uses them anyway. Keep them from being exploited earlier on by restricting them on noob islands or before ascension. I realize they are geared toward PvP, but I would still prefer some of their builds to most henchies. Just a thought.
Its not an issue of PvE already being too easy or an issue of adding more easy buttons, I mean PvE skills. Thats an issue that can be dealt with seperately. Like making HM difficult. I want these changes because it could add some flavor and variety to parts of the game that are boring and stale.
Although I'd love to see Argo bringing his shout, H/H should have no monster or PvE skills.
If you want somethnig special, you team up with people.
If you want somethnig special, you team up with people.
/signed. If we can have cat ears and PVE skills we can have henchmen with special skills of their own as long as they're not god mode or win button.
This is very good awry. /sign
Back when Prophecies came out and there was just Prophecies there was a suggestion like this. At the time the ANet devs were insanely in love with happy players forming joyous PUGs *not* and so made the henchmen wimp, weak, and bleh so as to be a very second best choice. They never really got over that design decision.
Another great thing suggested was henchman variety. An iceman ele could show up. This happens on Wintersday, it can be done. They just never did it. They were so good about getting the ball on the green, but then they would consistently miss the cup.
Back when Prophecies came out and there was just Prophecies there was a suggestion like this. At the time the ANet devs were insanely in love with happy players forming joyous PUGs *not* and so made the henchmen wimp, weak, and bleh so as to be a very second best choice. They never really got over that design decision.
Another great thing suggested was henchman variety. An iceman ele could show up. This happens on Wintersday, it can be done. They just never did it. They were so good about getting the ball on the green, but then they would consistently miss the cup.
Lol'd this is PVE we are talking about. Have you seen the PVE skills?
You Move like a Dwarf, 10e/shout/10r, 80 damage, cripple and KD.
Finish Him, 10e/instant/15r, 80 damage, deep wound, cracked armor.
Asuran Scan 5e/instant/8r, +75% Melee damage on this target.
/signed if the skills aren't way too over powered, mabye equal to a PVE skill.
Would be the only reason I see of bringing henchmen over heroes once the new 7 hero update is out.
You Move like a Dwarf, 10e/shout/10r, 80 damage, cripple and KD.
Finish Him, 10e/instant/15r, 80 damage, deep wound, cracked armor.
Asuran Scan 5e/instant/8r, +75% Melee damage on this target.
/signed if the skills aren't way too over powered, mabye equal to a PVE skill.
Would be the only reason I see of bringing henchmen over heroes once the new 7 hero update is out.
Anything that encourages players to bring hench over other players is a bad idea imo.
Lyra Padfoot
Personally I like this idea.
I can see that once 7+ heroes comes in there will be less of a need for henchman (as discussed many times over on this forum).
Something like this would certainly add some incentive to use henchmen so that they dont become useless NPCs standing in the corner of each outpost.
We have seen something to this effect in Factions already with the skill Kuvanng gives players and henchmen (but not heroes) for the final missions and it encourages henchman use there, so it works as an idea.
The only caveat would be to ensure some balance and that could be the sticking point with the devs.....
anyway the idea has merit so - /signed
I can see that once 7+ heroes comes in there will be less of a need for henchman (as discussed many times over on this forum).
Something like this would certainly add some incentive to use henchmen so that they dont become useless NPCs standing in the corner of each outpost.
We have seen something to this effect in Factions already with the skill Kuvanng gives players and henchmen (but not heroes) for the final missions and it encourages henchman use there, so it works as an idea.
The only caveat would be to ensure some balance and that could be the sticking point with the devs.....
anyway the idea has merit so - /signed