getting rid of all the items filling up my storage.
just post your offer on all items, no b/os
IGN: Gerb Heart
Green Weapons
Traveler's Bo staff
The Magekiller
Droknar's Edge
Suli's Scythe
Asterious' Scythe
Victo's battle axe
Grognar's Sword
Malinon's Skull Crusher
Thorgall's Stone Smasher
Forgotten Sword
Sword of the Kinslayer
Wayward wand
Wroth's icon
Weapon Mods
Insightful staff head
Axe Grip of enchanting
Furious Axe Haft (2x)
Scythe Grip of Fortitude ( 2x)
Zealous Scythe Snare
Zealous Bow String
Bow Grip Of Fortitude
Storage cleaning
nigro marcia
Traveler's Bo staff 1K
Wayward wand 1K
IGN Nigro Marcia
Wayward wand 1K
IGN Nigro Marcia