Defender Req9 Str
Al +10 vs Tengu.
Paper Fan Req9 Spawning.
+35hp Enchanted
HSR Channeling 18%
(PS - Its purple) =(
Thanks for looking / Pcing.
PC - Paper Fan - Defender -
animal fighter
defender 15k imo
fan..hard to say really. very nice HSR mod for a purple. I'd pay 25k if I wanted it. I'm sure other people would as well, and maybe pay more.
fan..hard to say really. very nice HSR mod for a purple. I'd pay 25k if I wanted it. I'm sure other people would as well, and maybe pay more.
The Defender is awesome for feather farmers, I think it could fetch a bit more than 15k.
Bump. cheers you two
anyone else got any opinions
Bump again
defender 10-15k from +10vs anything collectors...
fan merchant... maybe usefull but 12%off and purple. thats just awfull :P
fan merchant... maybe usefull but 12%off and purple. thats just awfull :P