Nolani Girls; become a real super hero, or be super evil!
As alot of you might have noticed the conversation on Easter Magik's thread.
I felt inspired and have decided to create a video of the girls from fellow Nolani contributors.
It will look something look like the Opening from X-Men.
* You MUST be a known and active Nolani contributor for atleast a few days from now, no new ones are allowed.
* ONLY female characters ('cause female characters are awesome).
What makes my character a Good Girl/Bad Girl?
* Good Girls are generaly nice and do not harm anyone quickly.
* Bad Girls don't have to be evil minded but can cut someone's throat if someone messes with her.
How to sign in?
Copy the following.
For The Good girls.
HTML Code:
HTML Code:
Character Name: Kimi Sakurai
Personality: Happy and outgoing person in general. Cold hearted person during operations, loves to chat before killing someone.
Short Story: Lives in a post-modern city in Japan.
It is involved with many criminal gangs.
Kimi is part of a special team to stop the criminal activity.
She is a ninja-assassin that has been trained into Shadow Arts.
Picture: Kimi
What do you have to do?
I will contact you about scenery stuff to work it out together, after that we will meet at some point ingame when I will be needing your character to do various stuff on film. And all the editing will be done by myself.
This is something I would like to do in return to thank every Nolani contributor for being awesome.
Oh and if anyone has any good idea's for theme song please post it below.
Eastern Magik Aeronwen Unlucky Slayer Perynne Tommy's Verene Tzu Marshmallow Bad Quote: