PC: Guild Hall- w/ NPC's



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2010

Sweet Home Alabama -ROLL TIDE

Reign of Justice [RoJ]


Started guild in 2007.
Never had time to really pursue....other gaming obligations outside of GW.
Donated twice to two other guilds, returned upon leaving. Only 1 member. (me)

I just don't have the desire to admin another gaming crew. Been doing that in IL-2 since 2002. And i would like to off it so i can join another guild for GW2. But at the same time i'd like to try and recoup some of what i put into it since it was done with all my own gold. I fell like this would be a good bargain for some one starting their own guild. Guild Name: The Black Hand [NOD] Hall: Isle of Weeping

Contains the following NPC's

Rune trader
Wepon smith
Priest of Balthazar

I'd be willing to part with it pretty cheap. Might be a good investemnt for one of those Mega guilds looking to expand. So anyone have any ideas on what this is worth if anything at all?