Very nice collection man.
DONT SELL THESE TO ANY RANDOM OFFERS, like the person above me. They, especially the yeti are worth a lot.
Pre Naga I would say is around 1000-2000e. Pre ONI like 1500-2500e. Pre yeti, way more. Yeti in post is worth about 10 times what naga and oni are. So pre yeti, easily 100arm+. The offer in the post above me is a huge lowball in my opinion considering I only got 1500e for my pre el kuuna tonic and that was top dollar. That offer I quoted below that he posted really doesn't even break 2000e.
Originally Posted by Burnett Stone
if u still have yeti ill give el kunna tonic and 100bds in pre
or any of the other i will pay the same
thats there price range atm hoping u have been looking for them for ages