Searching through these forums, it seems almost universally accepted that Infuse Health should be a staple of the ER Prot hero build. The few times I've run Infuse in that particular build I've had unfavorable results. It's not so much that Vekk doesn't use Infuse, as he does use it, and he uses it quite well (apart from his unfortunate tendency to infuse minions in between battles). It's more that whatever healer heroes/henchies I'm also using tend to overreact and, rather than allowing Vekk to heal himself with ER and AoR, immediately spam their heals on him, thus depleting their energy unnecessarily.
Has anybody else noticed this? Do you think that Heal Other/Jamei's Gaze are worthwhile replacements for Infuse?
Infuse Health?
Marty Silverblade
Yeah, the problem is that AI doesn't really understand synergy unless it's specifically implemented for certain skills. With Infuse and big prots like Prot Spirit, the heroes see them as really expensive and so use them conservatively. The same applies to the other healers; they don't know/understand/check what enchantments are on the ER and overcompensate. There really isn't anything you can do other than a) run something other than Infuse, b) restructure your team to try and avoid the problem, or c) live with it. Personally, I prefer an ST Rit to an ER ele because of the above lack of skill spamming that ER's should be doing. Perhaps that is a good solution for you.
I have noticed this but even with 2 mms in my team it doesn't seem to be a problem.
The healing AI is kinda broken, they tend to heal minions and also heal the ER infuser after he uses infuse health, nothing to do about I guess.
You could disable some skills of course and micro it a bit.
I wouldn't replace Infuse Health cause that's kinda the point of the build and there are no skills that rival Infuse. ER infuse prot always works fine for me but if you think otherwise I suggest you just stick with resto's and/or monks.
The healing AI is kinda broken, they tend to heal minions and also heal the ER infuser after he uses infuse health, nothing to do about I guess.
You could disable some skills of course and micro it a bit.
I wouldn't replace Infuse Health cause that's kinda the point of the build and there are no skills that rival Infuse. ER infuse prot always works fine for me but if you think otherwise I suggest you just stick with resto's and/or monks.
I counter this with a backup healer with good energiemanagement, so the heals on the er are not that bad. The defensive output of an er is so much bigger, than the occasionally lost heal, that I accept it.
Infuse isn't broken, ER Healers/protters are.
/smitersboon please.
/smitersboon please.