Originally Posted by Mcsnake85
The funny thing is that there are ppl that have no life in game and in real life too,they stay in cities just to cover COPS job and report every thing is going bad [ ppl that write WTS in Genral chat, ppl that sell things too high or low etc... ], and this sometimes can run normal ppl...
Now i have just a question..They dont have GMs that controll the situation? Why give the power to 12 y.o ppl to report random ppl?Reports in RA are increadsed too,ppl report just because you have a skill that they dont like lol.
So what, you're saying remove the report function?
I'm not exactly sure how the GW report system works, but I would imagine that it goes something like this:
Report is sent to staff > staff check it out to see if it's true > action is or isn't taken.
I have a feeling if you went around reporting people for something like having skills you don't like, you'd soon find yourself being punished for abusing the report function. I know from experience there's nothing as irritating as people clogging up a report system with things that aren't actually breaking the rules and are obvious attempts to get someone banned for personal reasons.
I HIGHLY disbelieve that some people sit in Kamadan all day just to report people. Seriously.
You asking about GMs... what did you have in mind? A team of people HIRED to sit in Kamadan all day? If people can't report, how would these GMs know what's going on? Psychic powers? Looking for the Bat-Signal?
Like I said, I don't know too much about how the report system works, but I do know from experience (used to be game staff on a pserver for a different MMO) that situations can be very hard to judge from just a chat log which is why I used to personally sit in hide for a few minutes and observe before taking action, unless I was seeing evidence from in game warning systems that something was majorly wrong like the damage report system telling me that someone was doing over 10k the damage that's calculated for them.
One thing I DO know is that whether you have a banning system that's fully automated, fully human, or involves both elements, you DO get errors happen. That's because mistakes happen. Sometimes accounts are banned while they are investigated for suspicious behaviour. I think I said before that if you're banned for being suspected of buying gold/items when all you've done is give a load of stuff away to friends/family, it would be prudent to prove to support that these are people you know. I can't really see gold sellers bothering to appeal an account ban when they can easily create another account, however single users who use hacks will try, just to see if they can.
Without knowing exactly how the reports system is handled, it's hard to judge it or to provide any suggestions for improvement.
But it's plain retarded to assume that everyone who is reported gets banned ¬_¬