Humongous Bank Sale!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2010

Alright, I have not been on Guild Wars in about 3 years ... So, I am getting ready to sell most of my items as the result of a need for money, setting aside my 50 platinum :3. I am going to sell A multiple of holiday items, pets, and a few weapons.

Here, we go, Best Offer please. I will be checking this thread as much as I can. Thank you everyone, I do appreciate it.


Charr Shaman - 2
Whiptail Devourer - 2
Harpy Ranger - 2
Mangrador Imp - 1
Jade Armor - 1
Fire Imp - 1
Jungle Troll - 1
Heket Warrior - 2
Fungal Wallow - 1
Shiro - 1 (Was worth 100k? Don't know what is worth now, guide posted below says "10kk." Does that mean 100k? I'll go a bit lower, I'm not that much of a stiff rofl.) BTW It's Gold Ha-Ha ;P.
Please scroll to the second price guide, I believe that one is more trustworthy. It also has the third year, while the first one doesn't.

Specific Weapons *UsuallyOnly Gold*

Fiery Dragon Sword
Fire Damage: 14-20 (8 Swordmanship)
Highly Salvagable
Poisonous Longbow of Dragonslaying (I know this one is gold)
Piercing: 15-28
Damage +14% (Vs. Hexed Foes)
Lengthens Poison 33%
Damage +19% (Vs. Dragons)
Two Handed
Silencing Savage Daggers (Gold)
Slashing: 7-17 (12 Dagger Mastery)
More Damage to "Dazed" Foes 33%
"I Have The Power"
Energy +5

And last but not least ;D... Holiday Items (End the Drum Roll...)

Beetle Juice Tonic - 1
Candy Cane Sword - Slash Damage 10-10
Red Bean Cakes - 4
Ginger Bread Shield - 1
Sparklers - 20
Champagne Poppers - 10
Bottles of Rice Wine - 2
Bottle Rockets - 10
Shamrock Ales - 5
Chocolate Bunnies - 5
Transmogrofier Tonic - 1
Witch's Brew - 1
Squash Serums - 3
Vial of Absinthe - 1
Hard Apple Cider - 15
Slice of Pumpking Pie - 4
Aged Dwarven Ales - 3
Dwarven Ales - 2
Yuletide Tonic - 7
Eggnog - 10
Honeycomb - 1
Fruitcakes - 5
Sugary Blue Drink - 2
Gingerbread Focus - 2
Peppermint Shield - 1

Hey, Hey! You've made it this Far! I have a special offer. Spend 45k! That's right, a mere 45k!, and you will wind up with a fireworks crate! Double Click for a 10 minute use, and it must be in the guild hall. While Supplies last!

Please contact "Awsome Dude Diablo" for any wishes and for offers on items. You can always post here, but I am in game just as much.

EDITED by Darcy for Improper Thread Prefix: The High End prefix is for threads where a significant majority of the items have values of 100k or more. The Low End prefix is for threads where a significant majority of the items have values of less than 100k. The Mixed prefix is for threads where there is a fairly even split between High End and Low End items. You may remove this message.


Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2008

Monks of Ice Nine (ICE)


Cave Spider + Shaman 25k together

IGN monk of Messiah



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2010



Fire imp 5k

IGN: Cutting Edge Beauty