01 Dec 2010 at 23:26 - 3
These are tricky. About a year ago, I went looking for a "Giant Slayers Hammer" for a collection of mine. They are not easy to find for sale when you want one! But I got the impression that there is also very little demand for them. So I think it will be hard for anyone to give you a spot-on accurate PC for all situations. This is the sort of thing that will be hard to sell for much unless you find one or more interested buyers.
Given that it's r10 15stance, I'm going to guess 5-10k is about all you can reasonably expect to get for it unless you get lucky and find multiple interested bidders. If you want to wait for such a situation, it might take quite a while. :/
Like all PC responses, that's my honest best guess based on my own experience with similar things. I could be wrong! Other people might have vastly different experiences leading to vastly different opinions.
FWIW, there are inscribable "Giant Slayers Hammers." I've seen one in a trade window, but the owner was showing me for informational purposes - he was not interested in selling it.
Cheers & GL!