Well i want to sell this unded panda taking offers for now
If i am not satisfied with the bids i reserve the right not to sell
S/B 1337g
C/O 7500e
B/O ?
I am currently only looking for Ecto+armbraces Deals cause i have all the other minis and have no interest in reselling more. But saying that i would consider some rare ones but much as possible stick to ectos+Armbraces
WTS Unded Panda
David Moonbow
The Mountain
7500e for the little bear, but only if it sneezes:
Sneezing Panda
But really, I bid 7500e
Sneezing Panda
But really, I bid 7500e
David Moonbow
bumpity bump
David Moonbow
bumpity bump bump
David Moonbow
last bump before i remove from forum due to not much of bids