Does anybody know of a really good program, that is free, to use for making the art for the guildwars art contest 2010???
I used to have one that i used for a really good pic, but can't find it anymore. Thanks!
Good Graphic Design Programs?
You should probably change the title more to suit your question, for instance maybe "Good Graphic Design Programs?"
The title you have now is slightly misleading (looks like you are asking what the contest is) and annoying to look at (all the !'s and ?'s)
Nice suggestion. - Kvinna
The title you have now is slightly misleading (looks like you are asking what the contest is) and annoying to look at (all the !'s and ?'s)
Nice suggestion. - Kvinna
Artweaver is a good program. It's not photoshop, but it fills it's function; you can paint in it.
Drelias Melaku
I hear Paint.NET and Gimp are good, free to use programs.
There's a really good thread here in Nolani that has a whole bunch of tips for artists starting out, including what are good programs to use. The thread is a little long, but skip over to the last page and read backwards - there's some talk about programs there.
But yeah, the above comments pretty much sum it up. Paint.NET and Gimp are a good alternative to Photoshop, even though they do not have all of the same functions. Also, there might still be a free version of Open Canvas 1.1 floating around the net, which was distributed more widely a few years back.
But yeah, the above comments pretty much sum it up. Paint.NET and Gimp are a good alternative to Photoshop, even though they do not have all of the same functions. Also, there might still be a free version of Open Canvas 1.1 floating around the net, which was distributed more widely a few years back.
PainttoolSAI is free I believe. Painter and Photoshop are free to as long as you don't mind an illegal version. I'm pretty sure Adobe doesn't mind, its just more publicity for them.
Perhabs you can specify a bit better what you are planning to do with the program. You want to manipulate photo's/screenshots? You want to draw from scraps? You want to create more vector kind of stuff? So perhabs its good to tell us what you are thinking of doing for the contest.
Perhabs you can specify a bit better what you are planning to do with the program. You want to manipulate photo's/screenshots? You want to draw from scraps? You want to create more vector kind of stuff? So perhabs its good to tell us what you are thinking of doing for the contest.
GIMP is basically a free version of Photoshop.