Mini Storage Clean out

Gods Hell Warior

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2007

The Guild of the Gods


Just a mini storage clean out, leave your offer or pm in game with offer
ign: Gods Dark Wizard

murakai's blade
kanaxai's edge
exalted aegis(str)
Arrahhsh's aegis

Destoryer Focus core(energy storage) +30hp, 15/-1 ene
Adept Onxy Staff of Deathbane q9 energy storage +10ene, 15^50, 19%vs undead, HCT 20%

Minis(all unded)
Harpy Ranger

Mods/inscriptions(all perfect)
Inisightful Staff Head
Hale Staff Head
Focus core of fortitude
Shield handle of fortitude
Axe grip of fortitude
sundering dagger tang
"I have the power" ins
"Seize the day" ins
"Strength and honor" ins

X1 Scroll of Ressurection
X8 Shining Blade Rations
X1 Grail of Might
X1 Powerstone of Courage
X5 Krytan Brandy
X1 Flash of firewater
X10 krytan Lokum
X4 Crate of Fireworks
X20 Apple Ciders
X23 Pumpkim Pies
X3 Witches Brew
X2 Ghost-in-the-box
X4 Mysterious Tonics
X5 Green Rock Candies
X10 Jars of Honey
X10 Hunters Ale
X3 Fosillizied Summoning Stones
X3 Gelantinus Summoning Stones
X1 Chitinous Summoning Stone

EDITED by Darcy for Improper Thread Prefix: The High End prefix is for threads where a significant majority of the items have values of 100k or more. The Low End prefix is for threads where a significant majority of the items have values of less than 100k. The Mixed prefix is for threads where there is a fairly even split between High End and Low End items. Users are responsible for making sure their prefix is up-to-date as items are removed or added to their thread.
You may remove this message.

The Fate

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2010


5k abyssal
5k simian

IGN: The Fate Lord