LFR to do 4 dungeons on HM
1. Frostmaws
2. Vloxen
3. Bogroot
4. Arachni
Trying to complete the last 4 pages in my dungeon book, will only pay if price is right
ign Gods Dark Wizard
Closed: LFR 4 HM dungeons
Gods Hell Warior
Can run all 4, PM for quotes:
IGN: Mhenlo is my son
IGN: Mhenlo is my son
Icy The Mage
Heya, me & my friend frequently duo dungeons, we can run you if you agree with our prices:
Vloxen - 25k (about 30 mins)
Bogroots - 10k (about 20 mins)
PM me here on the forums if you wish to be ran.
Vloxen - 25k (about 30 mins)
Bogroots - 10k (about 20 mins)
PM me here on the forums if you wish to be ran.