Undedicated minis: (b/o)
Greens: (b/o)
Exuro's Will (x3): 3k ea
Wroth's Icon : 1k
Vahlen's Vow: 2k
Gorrel's Staff: 1k
Mods: (b/o)
Axe Grip of Fortitude: 1.5k
Hammer Grip of Fortitude: 2k
Furious Hammer Haft: 750g
Vampiric Dagger Tang: 1.5k
Insightful Staff Head: 1.5k
Wand Wrapping of Quickening (x2): 1.5k
Inscriptions: (b/o)
"Hale and Hearty": 1.5k
"Dance With Death": 750g
"Strength and Honor": 1k
PM me ingame (IGN: "Mister Grimster" or "Vacuus Vita")
or post here
Small mix of greens, mods, and undeds!
Mister Forumster
Exuro's Will
Will like 1
IGN: Thrawn Silentfear
Will like 1
IGN: Thrawn Silentfear
Wroth's Icon : 1k
IGN Ishana Damari
IGN Ishana Damari