So on friday evening, after finally getting my computer to switch on after 4 hours of hard work, i sit down to play GW. Yet when i try to log in, i receive error code = 045, my account has been blocked. So after looking into this further and sending a support ticket, i find out that they blocked my account because it had been/was in the process of being hacked. Now this is fair enough, so i supply them with the 3 out of the 4 original CD keys that i managed to hunt down to prove the account is mine. After this they ask me for my GW in-game store details, e.g. last 4 digits of card number, address etc. Begrudgingly I give them these details in the hope that they will then return to me my account. Of course you have probably guessed by now that they didnt give it to me, and ask for yet more details.
This time they want my NCsoft master account details, and unfortunately at the time of creating it i was only 13 and took no notice of what i entered. I explain this to them and so they ask me to make a new NCsoft master account. Here is what happened:
Gj anet, real great job.
Im posting this in with the vague hope that someone that works for anet or on the support team sees it and rectify's the situation. Have i not provided enough information with just one cd key, let alone 3? I even took pictures of the activation cards and sent it to them. I even gave them my ingame store details and they still want more. What a great support team they have hmmm?
Wow anet, can i please just have my account back?
Mesmerizing lemon
Marty Silverblade
Complaining about it here won't make a difference. If you have an issue with ArenaNet, contact ArenaNet. That said, sending them pictures of your activation cards is usually more than enough to prove you're the owner of the account. You may want to double check you've been contacting the right people.
As Marty said, a thread here isn't going to help your case at all.