For the first time in quite a while I wasnt able to complete content running my standard E/W bar (ie. it wasnt stupidly easy). That alone made WiK enjoyable

Ghull Ka
dancing gnome
Lastly in this vein, I want to suggest that the lack of rewards for playing through WiK on HM (bar Wanted quests) is disappointing. I'm glad that ANet has suggested that they want to fix this in future content updates, but it's still saddening that they won't retroactively apply it to WiK.
Originally Posted by Guild Wiki: Guide to Hard Mode
As a rule of thumb, only the most efficient PvE builds will do for hard mode. Many sub-optimal builds are still able to complete the normal mode missions; however, hard mode is less forgiving. Also, while using one general-purpose build for all areas might do for normal mode, in hard mode it becomes much more important to adapt your build to the special situation at hand. Check beforehand on the type of enemies you will be facing (melee or casters? hex- or condition overload?) and alter your build accordingly.
Hyper Cutter
I never bothered with WiK content because of how horrendously unbalanced the enemies are for where you find them if you're by yourself.
Why am I fighting near-Slaver's-level super-mobs in a 6-man area where the henchmen are level 10-12, again? |
Fay Vert
Mark Nevermiss
This is expected behaviour and how aggro works. If you don't want the mobs to fight your party then make sure that the aggro bubble of your heroes doesn't overlap with your aggro bubble. If it does, that bridge will cause mobs to treat you all as a threat and will attack who they choose. You can get them to ball up and get aggro on you first and then bring heroes in if you want to tank. Alternatively, look to pull mobs near a wall where you can body block them to keep them away from your back lines.
(and I don't get why people whine about Gwen and call her a shrew or a harpy all the time. She's not some teenage cheerleader who's going to be all "teehee oh my god!" over everything. She's a grown woman who has been through hell and back, has lost just about everything dear to her, and as a result has closed herself off from others and has become extremely determined to make things right herself. Or are people here just scared of strong female characters that are independent and have a mind of their own?)
She's a grown woman who has been through hell and back, has lost just about everything dear to her, and as a result has closed herself off from others and has become extremely determined to make things right herself. Or are people here just scared of strong female characters that are independent and have a mind of their own?)
(and I don't get why people whine about Gwen and call her a shrew or a harpy all the time. She's not some teenage cheerleader who's going to be all "teehee oh my god!" over everything. She's a grown woman who has been through hell and back, has lost just about everything dear to her, and as a result has closed herself off from others and has become extremely determined to make things right herself. Or are people here just scared of strong female characters that are independent and have a mind of their own?)
Half radar away, their aggro bubbles, which are smaller than mine, are far enough so they'll won't overlap with mine even if they were as big as mine, since the radar range's diameter is longer than 5 times the aggro bubble's.
That's no bridge. That's a wormhole, XD. When I'm melee, even if I manage to keep them around me with things like Aura of Thorns or Grasping earth before bringing the rest of the party back, as soon as the rest of the party gets closer, they'll ignore me and go for them. Even if you bring a melee H/H, they don't do that when you are not close, they stick to what you bring them in the front as long as no player gets too close, being it a Vanguard Asassin, a minion, a melee summon or a W henchman. Also, henchman kite properly and stick around without spreading too much or bunching up too much, while they move like ants when you step on an ant hill when you are melee. I've even tried using a warrior with SoS and a staff, and they behave properly in that case. |
I think it is because she seems to be always angry and complaining about stuff, she is rather standoffish. That makes her appear whiny and bitchy.
She is the one with the long dialogues of Keiran being irritating, complaining about his pony tail, etc..etc and ordering him around. If that is not a shrew, I dont know what is. Many guys do despise women like that. This is why I think the dialogues/storyline may be created by a woman instead, because women tend to look at such behavior as "strong", while most men would look at her very differently. |
Also, while it was nice that they went the "quality over quantity" for the Mantle and Peacekeepers, once it came to BLA they went right back to "let's make this difficult by jamming as many enemies into this small space as we can". If they wanted to throw a literal army at us like that, the Mantle should have started out with low level mobs and then ramped up the difficulty as we destroyed the cannon fodder and forced their elite fighters to come out and make a stand themselves.
As I've said before..anyone who takes the dialogues between Gwen and Keiran and assigns serious tones to every word has never been in any real meaningful relationship. Having been in a few, and currently a very strong marriage for over a decade, I know how two people interact when they have a strong relationship built around struggle. I assigned a joking, half-crying, enthusiastic and a bit uncomfortable tone of voice to Gwen's dialogue throughout the whole thing. Most of it was that she was pissed at herself for being so bitchy, but loving him for seeing through it and bringing her out of her shell. the whole "complaining about his ponytail" bit is just retarded...she's obviously not dead-serious about that. Put a little laughter into the words and you'll see it for yourself. I also haven't seen any direct orders, ALTHOUGH she's still technically his superior officer.
You are not the only one here who have been happily married for over a decade. A truly matured woman would understand that driving everyone that she cares about away from her is not the happiest way of living. In fact, it stems from selfishness and self-protection, a point that even Gwen acknowledged in the end as she grew.
Whether she is his superior officer or not does not excuse her from being abusive and disrespectful to her fellow Ebon Vangard members. She should grant Keiran the same amount of respect that she gives to everyone else who have sacrificed their lives for the cause. In other words, she should behave in way that her subordinates can look up to, not being bitchy, whiny, and immature. Being in a position of power means that she must exhibit more self control and stop picking on Keiran for every single thing possible, from his ponytail to calling him an irritating idiot at every turn, in front of his friends (i.e. us the player). |
Go spend your early teens in a slave camp and tell me you won't be stand-offish for a while.
And again you're missing the whole point I was trying to make. Most of their dialogue after Keiran's return is said with tongue-in-cheek...learn something please. You keep harping on the ponytail...seriously, let it go. She doesn't like it, so she says so. You don't have to be a bitch/whiner/immature person to poke a little fun at something ridiculous as a g-dam ponytail. Every comment you make about her makes you seem like you simply hate women. |
I doubt you're fact, I doubt you've even had a real relationship. |
She's a teenager and the only creatures there for her during adolescence kept her for entertainment. She joined the Vanguard for vengeance, not to be a better, caring person, which you can't learn anywhere but through experience with people. Hello, Keiran.
Constant picking on Keiran (who is another respectable member of her team, being the leader of the Ebon Falcons and a war hero) and calling him an idiot in front of his friends, is not acting like a matured leader. Captain Langmar is not even half as bitchy as Gwen is. |