i was wondering which SC builds uses Asura summon skills?
Summon Naga Shaman, Summon Ruby Djinn, Summon Ice Imp, Summon Mursaat.
i know that RavenSC uses the Summon Naga Shaman.
anyone knows of another SC build?
I'm asking this because i have already a sin with all of these Asura summon skills and i dont know with which character to play and gain these skills.
Thanks guys.
Asura summon SC builds
I recall a UW SummonWay Team Build , which used those Asura summons ,spirits , minions . Simply everything summonable. Not sure if its viable now.
Originally Posted by kajusbonus

Only 1 Asura Summon can be active a time.
was it a bug or did wiki miss something? On 1 player.
Each team member can spawn its own summon.
was it a bug or did wiki miss something? On 1 player.
Each team member can spawn its own summon.
also add in archane echo with sin support. you get like 16 sins out 8 asura summons 20 minions and 8 spirits... its kinda freaky to watch lol
Cool Name
Originally Posted by kajusbonus

The description is mildly misleading, and should read: Only one Summon can be active per player at a time
Sorry ^_^ Even your new description is misleading... your description could be understood to mean if there are 8 players in the team then there can be 8 summons, but that isn't strictly too. A better description would be "A player can only have 1 active summon at a time."... I don't think that's ambiguous.
Sorry ^_^ Even your new description is misleading... your description could be understood to mean if there are 8 players in the team then there can be 8 summons, but that isn't strictly too. A better description would be "A player can only have 1 active summon at a time."... I don't think that's ambiguous.
Originally Posted by Pthoms T

Even your new description is misleading... your description could be understood to mean if there are 8 players in the team then there can be 8 summons, but that isn't strictly too. A better description would be "A player can only have 1 active summon at a time."... I don't think that's ambiguous.
My qoute was from wiki, :P
Thank you guys for posting your thought.
i wanted to focus more on the speed clears that uses one of these assura summon skills.
i know that RavenSC uses this build, is there any other SC you know of?
i wanted to focus more on the speed clears that uses one of these assura summon skills.
i know that RavenSC uses this build, is there any other SC you know of?