Best bit of advice you've received regarding GW?

Ka Tet

Ka Tet

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006

Pita Bread And Scud Missiles Ai[iiii]

Originally Posted by Prince Rogrs Nelson View Post
I've seen a TON of argument over this. NONE of it seems to be based on very good information.

It's not ONLY whites over 50g. Some would say it's whites over 25. Personally, I make my decision more on the level of the area and mobs. If a level 24 mob drops a bow originally worth 38g (a low value for such an area), I'll ID it, and chances are it'll go up at least 15-20g in value.

But if a level 12 drops the same bow, odds are it's NOT going up in value by a significant amount.

Now, it's no guarantee, either way. But using 50 as your line is kind of dumb, because I've had LOTS of 53g items ID to 54g, and probably just as many 45g items ID to 90g.

Note: you can ID greens as well, and this DOES make a difference in their merch value (sometimes significant). Ignore any idiot who tries to tell you otherwise.
I didn't say that I conducted scientific research, and you're an idiot for acting like I did. The point being made was that you can't id all whites and expect to profit on all. My personal rule of thumb that seemed to work well in most instances for me was 50g.

Rushin Roulette

Rushin Roulette

Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2007

Right here


Originally Posted by DRGN View Post
Um, there are numerous greens that you can't ID, particularly DoA/Mallyx greens. But since you dismissed everyone who says otherwise as an idiot you must be right
See, the first step to curing ones own idiocy is to accept the facts... even if you are right.

The best Advice I received and pass on to others is enjoy the game. If you want to make ingame cash, then stick to something you like doing and you are good at (And never forget, it is all just a game and in the end you are doing this for a few meaningless pixels, the idea is to enjoy your stay in the GW universe/game).

Dont Powertrade if you dont like following prices for ages and standing around in town for even longer selling or buying.

Dont run missions or locations if you dont like doing the same missions over and over again.

Dont join PvP matches or Guilds if you dont like to play PvP.

Dont farm if you dont like repeating the same action over and over again every few minutes.

If you do enjoy one of the above, then you can stick to that (or diversify) and aim to improve your personal skills at what you are doing.

EDIT: And always stay honest and polite at what you are doing. It may just be a game, but there are other human beings behind the avatars you are lying to or insulting.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2008

"C" will target the foe closest to you.

"T" will target a foe someone else has called.

...I had been using my mouse exclusively to select foes for at least 12 months until someone described to me the wonder of quick keys.

If you are a warrior, frenzy and mending should never be on the same bar! That could explain why my warrior died so many times in his young life...



Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2010


Originally Posted by Prince Rogrs Nelson View Post
Note: you can ID greens as well, and this DOES make a difference in their merch value (sometimes significant). Ignore any idiot who tries to tell you otherwise.
I've seen some greens drop in value after IDing them though, so I'm not doing them anymore.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2010

Dragons Den


I have given out LOTS of advice. Only when someone asked because it is just better to wait until someone asks. Since I started in beta I learned a lot of things for myself and passed them on.

The one piece of advice I got that was invaluable was that protection monks are far better than healers. While not always true it did lead me down the path of trying new combination's of teams. That in turn lead to many many other discoveries.

Prince Rogrs Nelson


Join Date: Nov 2010

Reign of Judgment (RoJ)


Originally Posted by DRGN View Post
Um, there are numerous greens that you can't ID, particularly DoA/Mallyx greens. But since you dismissed everyone who says otherwise as an idiot you must be right
...You also can't merch those, so what, exactly, would be the point of IDing them?

People on this forum, and in the game, regularly claim that IDing a green item does nothing. This is untrue. Any green item that can be merched (default value is 35g) can be identified, and will then likely merch for more. Any green item that cannot be merched cannot be merched.

Obvious statement is obvious. Your statement was tautological, and unhelpful.

Originally Posted by Ka Tet View Post
I didn't say that I conducted scientific research and you're an idiot for acting as if I did. The point being made was that you can't id all whites and expect to profit on all. My personal rule of thumb that seemed to work well in most instances for me was 50g.
Yep, your point was correct. I elaborated and expanded. It wasn't a personal attack on you. You'd have to stretch to take it that way. Please don't.

Originally Posted by Veldan View Post
I've seen some greens drop in value after IDing them though, so I'm not doing them anymore.
I have NEVER seen that myself. Not saying it couldn't happen...but it seems unlikely. Were these non-max, lower-level greens, like from Istan or Shing Jea?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2008

Originally Posted by DRGN View Post
Um, there are numerous greens that you can't ID, particularly DoA/Mallyx greens. But since you dismissed everyone who says otherwise as an idiot you must be right
In fact, you can ID Mallyx greens (as in use an ID kit on them and have a use dissappear, once), you just won't see it since there is no value displayed.

Best advice; Death level pets in Z-menagerie. Saved me so much time when building my zoo of max-evolved pets



Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Nov 2006

Heraldos de la Llama Oscura [HLO]


Well... I never got one... I'm the kind of guy that gives the advices.

My two favorite ones for newbies are:
- Pick and sell everything, and identify anything dropped my monsters over level 16 before selling it.
- READ what the NPCs say.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


Ensign's Treatise on Combat Mechanics. (

As far as making money: IDing whites too.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2007

Rochester ny

Bad companyclan BAD


learn to run through with mini map only.

try diffrent team h/h (hero/henchmen) set ups on you're own, rather than the typical h/h (shocking how well mezmers and paragons help)

take any build , study it, and think how you want to mod it. its a great way of coming up with you're own style. if you get a build from another person you would be shocked at attribute placement (or they are missing the last 30 attribute points)

color of an item does not matter,, its the stats.

find a good player that teaches.

if you're guild does not help......



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2010

Deep in the belly of Texas


"while learning the game, use PUGS. Once you have outgrown them use your H/H's"

" H/H's are only as good as the player controlling them"

" Your pet is NOT a henchman, it needs YOU to tell it what to do"

oh yeah, and one from 3 weeks ago when I came back

" Lets show them pet barragers can still own "



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Play windowed and keep your browser open with wiki.




Join Date: Sep 2006

1. It's just a game.

2. I've received lots of tactical advice, or even just had the opportunity to watch others and learn from them. Probably one of the more useful bits is positioning - for offensive and defensive strategies - in PvP and PvE



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2006

In my own little world, looking at yours

Only Us[NotU]


The first 3 or 4 weeks, I was constantly rerolling, to get the best secondary.

Finally, someone told me, "You can change secondary later in the game."

"Don't worry about looking for "builds" until after ascension."

The Baphomet

The Baphomet

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2009

CST / UTC -6

In Memorium [iBot]


Originally Posted by Marty Silverblade View Post
H/H are smarter than 99.9% of actual players.

Also, when you kite in circles, use your brain. Atleast 100 times a day I bulls someone kiting away from me with an IMS because they just run in a circle. This makes it easy to cut directly through the circle to where they would move and hit them with bulls.

Sundering weapon modifiers usually aren't ideal in terms of DPS. Vampiric is far superior on daggers, spear, sword, axe, arguably hammer and scythe, and bow(when not using a condition modifier).

Unless you're fighting extreme amounts of hexes/degen, armor bonuses are preferrable to health bonuses. You should have a spear with defensive mod, and shields for all damage types (as well as anti cripple/blind if necessary) even if you don't* meet the shield requirement.

If you play a physical damage class CUSTOMIZE YOUR WEAPONS. 20% damage is a HUGE bonus and only at the cost of not being able to trade the item. If you can't afford to customize that eternal blade you shouldn't be fighting with it.

Search google for a guide on Qstepping/qknocking. Qknocking often pushes kills in pvp. Qstepping allows you to swap weapons faster from, say, your 40/40 heal to your shield set.

Do not bring interrupts if you cannot properly use them. Wait until an important one second cast time skill is being activated and press the key for rupt. You will have a HUGE gap between acknowledgement of the skill and the end of its cast.

If you're interested in pvp, watch the observer mode commentary GWguru does. I don't know anything about it, but if you're bad you will learn a lot more from having an experienced person explain the match.

Last but not least, shock is NOT a substitute for bulls strike.

For the pvers out there, there only advice you need is add heroes to party, press C, press spacebar, rinse, repeat MANY TIMES until desired wealth/titles are met.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

It costs 4g to identify an item. As long as the price on average increases by more than that, you make money out of identifying items. Even low level items often increase by more than 4g.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2010

Muppets Versus Muppets [MvM]


If you play as an Imbagon (and are good at it) feel free to be stupid and mob everything, after all +100 armor basically makes you invincible. oh my biggest piece of advice is when people complain you are wasting their time in game, you should always note this game IS a WASTE of TIME.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2007

The Grim Squeakers [REAP]


Originally Posted by placebo overdose View Post
ID white items... so many people don't.
This single piece of advice has helped me avoid countless hours of farming to fund my armor addictions (well that and the "pick up everything" bit, but that just seemed like common sense to me). Also, for the record my "when to ID" mark is when the mobs are level 20 or higher, max and near max whites gain a lot of value.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2007

Melbourne, Australia

Serpents Maw Esoteric Echelon


Gold runes are never worthless...after salvaging them, id them again. The base value of all gold runes appears to be between 100g and 200g. I've never seen one worth less than 100g identified...and getting 196g for a rune that the rune trader valued as worth 25g unid'ed is nice .

Never accept the default 25g for a "common/unwanted" rune/insignia from the rune trader. Or for a weapon mod/inscription. All those items id higher - blues at 26-60g, purples at 26-90g. This makes those early 2g-4g blues in Nightfall worth a min of 26g for their inscription...with salvage = 16g + id = 4g, you're still guaranteed to be better off salvaging and id'ing even if you get the min price for the id'ed inscrip/mod, and a LOT better off if you get a better id'ed value.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006

@ Home

League Of Friends [LOF]


Originally Posted by Ka Tet View Post
Only whites over 50g, but yeah, I was shocked when I learned how much extra money you could make like that.
WRONG, Whites ~20gp will often ID to 30+gp.. That 50gp mark is way out.

S00per Dave

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2008


Heroes of Titans Realm


Originally Posted by SpyderArachnid View Post
Best bit of advice I have ever got?

"Just have fun" and "Remember, it's just a game".

That is advice that a lot of us need to remember, but seem to forget.
Hands down the best advice ever...

Ka Tet

Ka Tet

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006

Pita Bread And Scud Missiles Ai[iiii]

Originally Posted by Anon-e-mouse View Post
WRONG, Whites ~20gp will often ID to 30+gp.. That 50gp mark is way out.
READING FAIL. This was all ready discussed and moved on from. Read more before commenting please; you got in way late on that one.

NOTE: Not sure why I'm on the over-editing list, but I feel compelled to re-post if mine is the only post deleted/altered. Thanks.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006

Mystic Spiral [MYST]


It has been yeeaaaaars go, and it was my fist char, first guild and first pvp (ta) experience, but i got the advice for taking WoH over P&H (when it was still +1e regen for target ally).

I gotten used to it and never tried something else. Then i went with my then guild into TA and they suggest (in a nice way) to cap WoH, and even helped me doing it right away. After that i never touched P&H again untill it changed to its current state.

This was years ago though, at least 5 :-).



Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2010


Originally Posted by Prince Rogrs Nelson View Post
I have NEVER seen that myself. Not saying it couldn't happen...but it seems unlikely. Were these non-max, lower-level greens, like from Istan or Shing Jea?
(late reply, I know)

nope, those were max greens. I tried it again recently, and had the same thing. A green was about 50, if I remember right, gold at the trader. Then I ID'd it, and it became 34 gold.

Silmar Alech

Silmar Alech

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2009


Tom Son [TS]


The best advice I got was to trap the Zaishen Elite and unlock skills for my heroes at the Priest of Balthazar instead of changing my secondary class to the desired class and buy them for 1p at the skill trainer.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by Veldan View Post
(late reply, I know)

nope, those were max greens. I tried it again recently, and had the same thing. A green was about 50, if I remember right, gold at the trader. Then I ID'd it, and it became 34 gold.
Greens are 35g at the trader if unID'd.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2010

The Netherlands

Are We Friends [NLT]


Play something else



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2008

Variable Speed Farmers[VsF]


Never use rebirth when wielding staves or caster sets, switch to a low energy or bow.

Always run a caster set of martial wep + shield, lower energy means better energy management

Protection prayers requires you to look the battlefield, not red bars (TA monkspikes teached me this the hard way, but I still miss them)

dancing gnome

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

House of Wandering Souls


Always fight opponents downhill from you. Never attack them from if they are uphill unless you have to. I don't think I was ever told this but to me it's the golden rule for success in PvE with H/H. The extra range resulting in your party running around less and the opponents party running around to get into range is hugely significant. It's why teams which run in to attack first handicap themselves right from the start, while you are running your opponent is spiking you to death.

Silvia Shadowback

Silvia Shadowback

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2008

Sleeping at Worlds [End]


Holding ALT will help you find the NPC you've been searching for all afternoon.

Hells Fury

Hells Fury

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2009


-I'm ashamed to admit , but it took 2 years for some one to tell me shift + click on item stack + drag= split

-A friend told me once "Have you tried speed clears?, you'll earn money quickly , let me show you the labyrinth first ..." And so he did...

-Also : "Using Lothar's Edge after casting Death Ward will not break spell channeling"

Voodoo Rage

Voodoo Rage

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2008

Sacramento, CA



Originally Posted by Silvia Shadowback View Post
Holding ALT will help you find the NPC you've been searching for all afternoon.

This FTW.....................