I'm incredibly tired of people such as yourself unable to read interview dates. It said the Dervish update was on hold in SEPTEMBER for unnecessary costume brawl updates. Yet costume brawl has long been over, its mid-December, and there was previous mention that the aim was to get the Dervish update out before the end of the year. It's been nearly seven months and I feel that it's completely fair to bring this question up AGAIN.
"After these two consecutive updates to GvG, we are planning to take a short break from targeted updates and focus our balance efforts on the new Dervish skills. We don't expect these changes to have any major negative impact on the metagame, but we will continue to monitor the situation and act as needed."
http://www.guildwars.com/gameplay/de...g_balances.php |
We already knew this was going to be Wintersday, as it is that time of the year. And now the GvG updates are finally done, so you can wipe those tears and stop crying and hopefully soon expect your precious Dervish update.