Hi folks,
I noticed the other day that some of the image files I'd attached to my posts on the low req. thread in Trader's Outpost (thinking Guru attachments were more stable than photobucket for long-term) disappeared. I went ahead and switched them all to photobucket images instead.
But today I noticed it's happening to others, too. Here's a noparse copy of ubikuo's recent post on that thread.
hi, a drop in Cliffs of Dohjok:
Ornate Scimitar no req 7-10 Insc
[IMG]http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=62978&stc=1&d=12925323 22[/IMG]
ciaoYou can see he did attach a file here at Guru and try to embed it with IMG tags there. However, when you view that post on the thread, there is no image in that post nor is there sign of an attached file.
So, my questions are, did you guys know and/or intend that some attachments would be disappearing like this? Are we doing something wrong, ourselves, to cause these glitches?
I have been trying to use photobucket instead of imageshack to host most of my pictures here, as imageshack too often seems to have server outages which make my embedded pics disappear in posts. For situations like that thread, where we're using pics as proofs of what drops, I thought it more prudent to leave the pics attached to the thread itself where they were the least likely to get lost over time. I'm now thinking Guru isn't the safest place to keep them, though.
FWIW, I don't worry too much about pics for things like sell and pc threads - they don't need to last that long. But for something like the low-req thread, it would be ideal if the pics showing proofs of what can exist in game would stick around in a way that anyone and everyone will be able to see them whenever they want, regardless of which of us come and go from being active around here.
Thanks in advance for any insight or advice you can offer about this!
Attachments disappearing?
As far as I know, nothing has changed. I will let you know what the Server Kitten says.