Last days, i have been doing Heroway The Deep in HM using only one conset.
it was fairly easy for 2 of the 3 the first time. we overaggroed lots of times and
no one died during the whole run.
anyway, we did The Deep and we will ofcourse continue to do it.
but what about Urgoz heroway? is it that much harder as The Deep?

way one)
ive thought of using 3 real people. (for both ways)
here i thought of player 1 should be a tank (SF tank probably).
but the disench is also quite annoying. but with prac. i think you can get it down for sure.
he should also have a bonder hero, an SoS hero and an MM hero i thought as those don't really need much control so he can focus on the bonder/himself.
second guy should be some sort of 100B spiker, aswell as the third guy.
they should have UA monk/HB monk with heal party for the tank
Searing flames eles maybe, or would spitefull spirit be better? like the deep builds
but ofcourse using Edge of exctinction for Urgoz himself...
way 2)
maybe just like in Deep , no special tank, just 12man trough it. idk if it would be achieveble.
Anyone here with more experiance then me on urgoz can give me some usefull tips? thanks!!