Mini Polar Bear no longer dropping?
snowman relic
A guy in kamadan was saying how they took out the mini polar bear personally i just do it because the rewards for no work (lazy yes) but i just thought if it was true alot of new people could spend there time having fun instead of farming there heads off on possibly their first wintersday so my question is is it true? and just to add to that should it be removed from dropping to stop the grind in your opinion?
Black Metal
A guy in kamadan was saying how they took out the mini polar bear personally i just do it because the rewards for no work (lazy yes) but i just thought if it was true alot of new people could spend there time having fun instead of farming there heads off on possibly their first wintersday so my question is is it true? and just to add to that should it be removed from dropping to stop the grind in your opinion?
Should they remove all drops of every type in the whole game so people who choose to go out and get drops don't have the option to do that?
wow it is easy to ask stupid questions.

Well, technically the guy in Kamadan is correct for the time being....since the quests to get to the chest it drops from aren't available yet
Anyone telling you the Polar Bear does not drop is trying to trick you into spending more then what it is worth. Also I don't think it is a matter of grinding but more a matter of luck. Some people have got a Polar Bear on the first or second try. Some don't get one after hundreds of tries. Also don't understand how removing the Polar Bear would do anything but make these minis stupidly worth a lot of ectos. Also people have fun on wintersday doing whatever they want to make them happy. No one feels obligated to "grind" for this mini unless they want to.
I know that guy and I can personally confirm this is correct.
snowman relic
Thanks for turning a simple question and whining about it i was just asking a personal opinion i wasn't saying we should
You guys are evil^
But im pretty sure bairly anyone will be farming this as people spent whole of last year doin it and like 1 in a million runs there was one, people will tihnk the snowball dominance will be more worthy of their time.
But im pretty sure bairly anyone will be farming this as people spent whole of last year doin it and like 1 in a million runs there was one, people will tihnk the snowball dominance will be more worthy of their time.
....Not just last year, but the year before that as well (which only makes it worse >_<).
I gave up after 50 runs....and didnt even bother last year---no mini is worth that much of my time (I could farm other stuff and BUY it with the money I made during the same amount of time).
but yeah gotta wait for the rift guy to show up and then let the fun commence--for those of you who think of it as fun----
but yeah gotta wait for the rift guy to show up and then let the fun commence--for those of you who think of it as fun----
Damian Greenthumb
.02% Chance(per wiki)droprate is pretty slim, but hes SOOOOOOdamn cute!
I will (again) run Strength of Snow until my brain goes all fuzzy when the quest is added.
I will (again) run Strength of Snow until my brain goes all fuzzy when the quest is added.
go cubs
The quest has been up for a while now right?
looks like it's still there to me, scroll to the bottom of the page.
people have no choice in the questions they ask when they want to know something, but mean people do have the choice in how they treat people. it was an honest question and you met it with with a pretty harsh response. try honestly answering next time instead of just another angry post on the forum pile.
I'm sure they still drop. Having said that, I tried "farming" this quest last year for the first time, and after ~100-150 runs, no bear.
It's a stupidly easy quest to farm, as it only takes ~1.5 mins to run to the end, and then you can afk the rest.
I doubt I'll be doing the quest this year, as I just ended up buying a polar bear after all the failed runs last year.
It's a stupidly easy quest to farm, as it only takes ~1.5 mins to run to the end, and then you can afk the rest.
I doubt I'll be doing the quest this year, as I just ended up buying a polar bear after all the failed runs last year.
Don't trust people in Spamadan as far as you can throw them! 
Since this is purely random speculation at this point, closing.

Since this is purely random speculation at this point, closing.