Pc Unded Mini Polar Bear
I just got a mini polar bear - can any1 tell
Me the price please, also if you would like to see it just pm
Ingame - Monkey Madnezz
(Im not selling at this point but probably will be some
Time soon)
Me the price please, also if you would like to see it just pm
Ingame - Monkey Madnezz
(Im not selling at this point but probably will be some
Time soon)
Black Anakonda
just saw in Kamadan this mini for 800 e
Gabriel of Ravn
i would say just wait for things to settle down since people are reporting fake drops of polar bears to drive down prices i wouldnt try to sell it for anywhere near 800e
1300e is more appropiate
1300e is more appropiate
Bright Star Shine
the 800e will very likely have been a ded one, indeed, anywhere between 1200-1300e should be fair..
Flint Lightning
1000-1200e range would be ideal imo.
I hide shoes
1150 -1300e id say based on last year prices, id conscider dedi more around the 500e mark imo
Bright Star Shine
@ Flint and Monkey, if i were you, i'd change those posts, cause you're gonna get a ban for it... It's buying/selling in PC, which is prohibited...
You'll probably have an easy sell at 1200e, hard sell at 1350e.
Malice Black
People expect to buy cheap during the event, so you won't get any offers over 1k ecto. The less well off who get lucky will sell for 600-800e as that's a lot of money to them. To get over 1k ecto you'll need to wait a few months.
Worth some 1200-1300e imo. Selling under 1000e is basically giving away 250e+.
Gonad the Barbarian
Beware of the people reporting fake drops,trying to make value go down so they can buy then reap the rewards. Hold onto your bear until feb or april then sell at 1500 if you want to sell it. They will increase trust me.
Shadow Queen
900-1200e imo