Great collection, EK. It's impressive to see it all together in one place and I'm glad that now you have those screens to help you remember all the good times and good people you've known through Guild Wars
System, your collection is spectacular. I don't know what possessed the two of you to catalog your entire collections, but I'm glad you did. I hope it inspires some new players to get into the collecting game. These items reek of pro and are so much more meaningful than a tonic that turns you into an inscribable minipet.
On top of the items (and there are some real beauties in there), I also admire the skill that it takes just to amass a collection of this size and quality. It' s not easy to keep the ball rolling on multiple collections and to do it without cheating (duping, botting, buying ectos, etc.). There are few who can legitimately claim to have assembled their collections "the right way". Congratulations!
I feel like I'm giving out lifetime achievement awards. Don't die.
And of course, Coast, I'm glad to see you reunited with your sword