Your Beloved Collections
Very nice!
Our Blood
pre-nerf staffs nice Q8 necro collection ^^
Very nice collection, Bahamus. I only hope you're not running around wielding that BDS atrocity instead of these beauties.
You love gold almost as much as I love purple salva
I want that Naga Longbow.
Bahamuts Wut
And thats my little Truncheon collection...i know a 20/20 is missing and a few others.. - should looking for new truncheons...
and that's probably the last hammer i'll ever buy
I'm happy to have helped put the maybe-finishing touch on perhaps the second greatest hammer collection GW has ever seen (!)
I'm happy to have helped put the maybe-finishing touch on perhaps the second greatest hammer collection GW has ever seen (!)
Holy balls, thats awesome
ew, not 15^50
teh bestest is here
what do you think im made of, ecto?!?!
We can QQ how inscriptions killed the market but the flexibility they provide is awesome. Took me a while to buy all those shields because apparently, not many people sell them. I find them great-looking and they go very well with Vabbian Armor. I'm thinking I could mod a +60/hexed, +10 vs. cold one too.
Anyhow, here are some regular skinned shields for a change:
Does anyone know if there are some decent req 8/9 ones for sale? Everyone and their mother is going crazy about Echovalds but a Tower Shield is pretty hard to find.
Anyhow, here are some regular skinned shields for a change:
Does anyone know if there are some decent req 8/9 ones for sale? Everyone and their mother is going crazy about Echovalds but a Tower Shield is pretty hard to find.
Nice collection. I think I have a couple sitting somewhere. If i remember they are:
r8 -2s/-3h
r10 reduce cripple/-2e
r8 -2s/-3h
r10 reduce cripple/-2e
i dealer i
Those are some nice shields there. <3
Lord Dagon
dont really know how to do all the fancy photoshop stuff to show the names of the el tonics but here's the 31 out of 62 tonics i've gotten so far
Jan Breydel
it was an unconditional. can't recall the exact specifications but I believe it was a long sword (not sure of the req or if it was 12/13/14/15%)
So, here my Monk Items
Not perfect but well, still love em =)
btw...bow is for luring mobs....i dont fight with that xD
Not perfect but well, still love em =)
btw...bow is for luring mobs....i dont fight with that xD
Hai guys, lookie what I just got!
Uploaded with
Just need a 20 20 Dragon and I'm all done with my staves!
Uploaded with
Just need a 20 20 Dragon and I'm all done with my staves!
gz, and u got it kinda cheap
Hai guys, lookie what I just got!
Uploaded with Just need a 20 20 Dragon and I'm all done with my staves! |
Items I've accumulated for my mez along the way. I think calling this a colleciton is a stretch, and it's certainly not entirely beloved...but you'll find some nice things that will make you cry if you look hard enough. Sorry for the newbish picture, but i'm not redoing it. Mods, take it down if it violates some rule or other.
I've seen some of my very old pre nerf staves posted by other players in this forum,
thumbs up for that, fun to see your old stuff around.
I dont own much nowadays but here are some things that still lay in my mesmers bags and are being used.
The straw effigy i bought here on guru not long after faction release. paid 30k for it at that time.
thumbs up for that, fun to see your old stuff around.
I dont own much nowadays but here are some things that still lay in my mesmers bags and are being used.
The straw effigy i bought here on guru not long after faction release. paid 30k for it at that time.
Bahamuts Wut
@Pesi, I like your straw doll!
My first q7 Sword... Of course it still has something to do with fire. : )
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That NornBear didn't stand a chance!
Uploaded with
That NornBear didn't stand a chance!
teh bestest is here
nice one, bestest, best crystallines in game
(excluding banned shitters)
(excluding banned shitters)
teh bestest is here
Thanks Finally grew some balls and borrowed 20g from beefcake to customize em
well i still have that one ... nothing new
well i still have that one ... nothing new
teh bestest is here
Wish you wouldnt have customized that i need it!!! haha
Jason Xll
Captain Krompdown
I was waiting for this you two... Kromp you warned me but... Still.. Umm. What?! That's not even right. So much awesome... Gah.. and Kabong, I've seen those clouded, and it makes me angry because you didn't sell me one all those years ago. 750e is a lot of ecto for a tets and clouded each! Damn epic weapons. Damn them!!!
So, Jason, I guess I'm not sworn to secrecy about the axe anymore?
@Kromp: Stand firm bro.
I guess you guys have put this together during your regular lovers retreats in a certain Icy Cave? O_O
Anyway, this is only a small display of the true manliness of PhD!
You guys make me sick! D:
EDIT: I honestly had to come back and say, god, that axe is literally the most perfect item in the game. At least that I have ever seen. Rumors abound of the 15% unconditional Serpent, but until I see it, that is the god of items.
@Kromp: Stand firm bro.
I guess you guys have put this together during your regular lovers retreats in a certain Icy Cave? O_O
Anyway, this is only a small display of the true manliness of PhD!
You guys make me sick! D:
EDIT: I honestly had to come back and say, god, that axe is literally the most perfect item in the game. At least that I have ever seen. Rumors abound of the 15% unconditional Serpent, but until I see it, that is the god of items.
Nice collections gents.
@Jason Takes stones to customize unconditionals. I can loan you some
@Jason Takes stones to customize unconditionals. I can loan you some