Lightning Bolt
Shock Arrow
Shell Shock
Chain Lightning
Aura of Restoration
Air Attunement
Not sure about the elite, I think the energy management and spike is good. Shall I pick Invoke Lightning or some Energy Storage Elite?
Try to build my air ele hero
The problem with Lightning Bolt is u actually miss alot moving foes, cos its a projectile.
It also means u need a direct line of sight to hit at all.
I would recommend replacing it with Lightning Strike.
For damage, Invoke Lightning sounds good.
It also means u need a direct line of sight to hit at all.
I would recommend replacing it with Lightning Strike.
For damage, Invoke Lightning sounds good.
Invoke Lightning
Chain Lightning
Lightning Orb
Shock Arrow
Air Attunement
Pick some other sort of energy management skill. After that there isn't much of use so you might as well use the guy as a platform for some healing or prot (Healing Breeze, Prot Spirit, Aegis, etc).
Chain Lightning
Lightning Orb
Shock Arrow
Air Attunement
Pick some other sort of energy management skill. After that there isn't much of use so you might as well use the guy as a platform for some healing or prot (Healing Breeze, Prot Spirit, Aegis, etc).
If you wanted to stick with the air line, other good support options (to go along with the core damage skills Xenomortis listed) would be blinding flash, shell shock, or a ressurection skill.
Premium Unleaded
Shock Arrow
Lightning Javelin
Shock Arrow
Lightning Javelin
Go /d for conviction. It's worth it.
Voodoo Rage
Blinding surge FTW
The problem with air on heroes is it requires more skill to use that the other elements. With AoE you just plop it on a group of mobs (not hard). With single target spikes, you need to prioritize what you're spiking, and blind targets worth blinding (that warrior hammering on your backline, the ranger magebane-ing your WoH, etc.)
You're not going to see an ele hero plop a blind on a warrior and then spike the monk with gale and orb in succession like any good PvP air ele.
I mean, shell shock needs to be put somewhere useful and followed up. It's not like Weaken armor where you can just drop it on a large mob. Also shock arrow can sometimes miss.
B-surge isn't that strong anymore given buffs to Ineptitude. It's more spammy than Ineptitude so it works better against condition removal but it doesn't have that WTF 130-140ish damage (that's shellshock--> invoke on casters) and it isn't in the same line as Arcane Conundrum (caster hate) and Clumsiness/Wandering Eye (aoe damage). Lightning orb is a projectile but the cracked armor makes it worth it.
Skills worth using:
Lightning Orb
Chain Lightning
Shock arrow
Invoke is pretty decent, but it's not worth bringing over a Mesmer most of the time. It will do 112 consistently before cracked armor (140 is possible on cracked armor targets), whereas E-surge will give you 80-90 nearby instead of to 3 targets and you could even run Keystone signet, signet of clumsiness for the same damage. B-surge on heroes will be used in a dumb way so be prepared to see blind on monks.
I can't see heroes properly using Lightning orb and it requires line of sight so you'll see orb into walls sometimes.
Without blind and knockdown you're better off running something else.
I would probably run something like:
12+1+1 air
8+1 Energy storage
10 utility (Restoration Magic/Prot/Smite/Command)
can also drop energy storage to 6+1 and run 11 in utility (not necessary for aegis), dropping AoR for 2 utility instead of 1
1 Shock Arrow
2 GoLE
3 Chain Lightning
4 Invoke/B-surge
5 Aura of Restoration
6 Air Attunement
7 Protective was Kaolai, Aegis / Convert Hexes (micro), Smite Hex, Stand Your Ground/Fall Back, etc. (utility slot)
8 Res
The problem is unlike Necros who have innate energy management anything non-elementalist needs to be on long cooldown. Splinter is a good skill but I'd put it on a Necro or Rit.
Stand Your Ground/Fall Back are actually better on Necros since Glyphs don't work on them, but I guess Shock arrow covers for this flaw. As long as you don't have Lightning Orb, you're good since 10 energy + attunement+ AoR = 5 energy (which is 3.75 seconds on 4 pips of energy). 15 Energy skills need to be glyphed to be effective, otherwise they cost 9 energy or 7 seconds of energy regen (even with AoR + attunement).
You're not going to see an ele hero plop a blind on a warrior and then spike the monk with gale and orb in succession like any good PvP air ele.
I mean, shell shock needs to be put somewhere useful and followed up. It's not like Weaken armor where you can just drop it on a large mob. Also shock arrow can sometimes miss.
B-surge isn't that strong anymore given buffs to Ineptitude. It's more spammy than Ineptitude so it works better against condition removal but it doesn't have that WTF 130-140ish damage (that's shellshock--> invoke on casters) and it isn't in the same line as Arcane Conundrum (caster hate) and Clumsiness/Wandering Eye (aoe damage). Lightning orb is a projectile but the cracked armor makes it worth it.
Skills worth using:
Lightning Orb
Chain Lightning
Shock arrow
Invoke is pretty decent, but it's not worth bringing over a Mesmer most of the time. It will do 112 consistently before cracked armor (140 is possible on cracked armor targets), whereas E-surge will give you 80-90 nearby instead of to 3 targets and you could even run Keystone signet, signet of clumsiness for the same damage. B-surge on heroes will be used in a dumb way so be prepared to see blind on monks.
I can't see heroes properly using Lightning orb and it requires line of sight so you'll see orb into walls sometimes.
Without blind and knockdown you're better off running something else.
I would probably run something like:
12+1+1 air
8+1 Energy storage
10 utility (Restoration Magic/Prot/Smite/Command)
can also drop energy storage to 6+1 and run 11 in utility (not necessary for aegis), dropping AoR for 2 utility instead of 1
1 Shock Arrow
2 GoLE
3 Chain Lightning
4 Invoke/B-surge
5 Aura of Restoration
6 Air Attunement
7 Protective was Kaolai, Aegis / Convert Hexes (micro), Smite Hex, Stand Your Ground/Fall Back, etc. (utility slot)
8 Res
The problem is unlike Necros who have innate energy management anything non-elementalist needs to be on long cooldown. Splinter is a good skill but I'd put it on a Necro or Rit.
Stand Your Ground/Fall Back are actually better on Necros since Glyphs don't work on them, but I guess Shock arrow covers for this flaw. As long as you don't have Lightning Orb, you're good since 10 energy + attunement+ AoR = 5 energy (which is 3.75 seconds on 4 pips of energy). 15 Energy skills need to be glyphed to be effective, otherwise they cost 9 energy or 7 seconds of energy regen (even with AoR + attunement).
Is Thunderclap or Mindshock good?
My problem with shell shock is that heroes don't really use single target procs like that very well. Also, with Lightning Orb at least you do some decent damage and insurance that the cracked armor gets put to use.
Mindshock is 5sec recharge, a hero would spam it until it's too much exausted to do anything.
About Thunderclap is an interesting skill for the daze that can apply, but works best on human players, cause you must be sure your target is a caster that doesn't move, and keep him in range for 3sec(a snare work good for this purpose, but i doubt a hero would do it without a LOT of micro).
If you want damage run Invoke.If you want utility run B-surge.
Mind Shock is bad because heroes will spam it till they are exhausted (and in HM it will not KD for many casts either).
Thunderclap is bad because of the 3s delay and the 20s cd, if you really want aoe daze run technobabble instead.
Thunderclap is bad because of the 3s delay and the 20s cd, if you really want aoe daze run technobabble instead.