Finally got enough rubies and sapphires thanks to Snowball Dominance and I'm wondering if I should use them on my Dervish. Since his color theme is red, I'm requesting pictures of vabbian armor dyed in that color.
Male Dervish Vabbian
I didn't want to dye the whole set red, only then to have to dye it back to white, so I gave you snapshots of the dye preview window. Hope that looks Okay. Just so you know, I had it dyed all red before, didn't like it. Then dyed all black, also didn't like it. Vabbian armor looks best with lighter colors, so I went for white.
Oh, also notice how the scythe clips into the front part of the skirt.
Eww...I was worried the red would clash with the gray a bit too much. Thanks for showing white, since that was my backup choice.